"Meh, don’t say that"

"So is he?"

"That word is kind of frustrating, because you don't know if 'boyfriend' means like a friend who happens to be a boy, or like a 'omg i love you'-friend who happens to be a boy"

"Is he the last knid of one?"

"Oh, yes, but still, it's a weird word when you start thinking about it. Just like every other word"

"Wait, Maura, what?"

Did she just tell me she's dating Zayn? Like, Zayn Malik, as in Zayn, Niall's band mate and best friend, as in... Zayn?

"It's a weird word"

"Maura! You’re dating Zayn fucking Malik, and you didn’t even tell us?" Harry yells while he jumps on Maura's back.

"And you didn’t even tell me!" I ask her.

"Sorry, the next time I'll get a boyfriend I'll text it right that moment to you guys, okay?" she says, with an awful face when the word 'boyfriend' leaves her mouth.

"You'd better" I tell her while Harry gets off her back.


Maura’s pov

Meh. I like Zayn. He's so cute and I am so weird. How can I start the day with: “I hate Zayn" and at almost end of the day: "I love Zayn". Well that just explains NOTHING. Haha… Maybe I should tell Casper or Marcus. Whatever I'll tell them some other day.

I skip towards the table we were sitting at and sit down next to Zayn.

"Hi" I say stealing some of his fries.

"Can you please not steal my fries?"

"No, because we're boyfriend and girlfriend on community of property. So all that's yours is mine. So are your fries"

"Well, that's an interesting explanation"

"I know"

"I'm glad this thing we had is over"

"Join the club"

Patient Love - z.m.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें