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Gunshots ring out from the rooftops. Walkers begin to fall one after another. The shooter quickly moves from the roof and down the fire escape.

"You'd be dead if it weren't for me princess. Hey, maybe I can actually use that year in medical school with that wound on your head." The woman talks even though she knows Alicia is unconscious.

She swings Alicia's limp body over her shoulder. She walks out of the alley carrying a large duffle bag, at least five guns, an uncountable number of different knives and an unconscious teenager.

She walks a while before she arrives in front of the gates of a bunch of storage units. She waits there until a male around her same age opens the gate.

"What kind of toys did you bring me today?" The man smirks and attempts to touch Alicia's face.

"Fuck off! You won't be touching her." The girl kicks him in the shin and continues on her way.

She digs for something in her bag and pulls out a key. She opens the door to an office, it was previously owned by the owner of these storage units where her and a bunch of other people now live.

She lays Alicia onto her makeshift bed. She covers her with a blanket and searches around the room for something. She pulls out her medical kit and begins pulling things out.

She props Alicia on her side so she can stitch the large gash on the back of her head. Once she cleans the blood away she realizes the wound isn't as deep as she thought, but still requires stitches. Fixing this wound will be trickier than what she is used to. But she will try her best for this strange brunette she rescued.

The woman moves her eyes away from Alicia when she hears a hurried knock on her door. She quickly gets up and opens the door.

"What is it?" She asks annoyed.

"Hey boss, we have a bit of a problem."

"I get that, what is the problem?"

"The new guys, they brought in the dead and have them leashed up. I think they're using them as guard dogs or something." The scrawny boy explains.

"Show me." She grabs the nearest gun and follows the boy out. She quickly takes out the zombies. She moves forward to question the zombie-holders motives.

"What the hell were you thinking? We have gates to keep the dead out!" She yells. She may be a pretty young girl, but she holds a lot of power. That's why people fear her.

"Sorry ma'am." The man ducks his head. "But we are taking this camp." He quickly pulls out a gun and holds it to the girl's head.

She stands there for a moment. Then gives him a defeated look. He puts the gun down and she quickly takes it and puts a bullet through his chest.

"Anyone else dare to try me?" She asks the crowd who had gathered to watch. Everyone is silent and the woman makes her way back to her office.

Keep Me Conscious - LEXARKWhere stories live. Discover now