Rally The Troops

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you woke up, somewhat surprised. 

The Summoner didn't have a 'coon (his horns probably wouldn't fit in one anyway) and so he slept on a soft(ish) pad on the wooden floor. That was what he called a "bed". You weren't too surprised, being used to sleeping in caves and on sand, you supposed it was a reasonable arrangement. What was truly surprising in the fact that you didn't have any horrorterrors. Perhaps it was because you were far from your harmful lusus, but you didn't even want to think about how far away the sea was right now. Just the thought made your gills ache. You dragged yourself out of the "bed" only to find the hive empty. It was dark out, so at least it was a reasonable time for him to be gone. 

It was not reasonable, however, for him to leave you in a hole in a tree 300 feet off the ground. 

Looking out the door made you nauseous at the height you were at, so you barely got a glimpse of the troops down below. Hopefully he would be back soon. 

You supposed 30 minutes wasn't the worst he could've done, but you still complain when he flutters up to the hive. 

"I'm sorry" he chuckled, watching you with those dark eyes. 

"Why would you leave me up here?" you asked, ignoring his clear amusement at your irritation. 

"You looked tired, I didn't know when the last time you got some decent sleep was" He retorted.

you gave a soft sigh, before he was lifting you up again. You could hardly reach over for your mask before you were making the dizzying descent. He put you down a little ways away from the troops, who were gathered once again. You reached up to put your mask on before a warm, lowblooded hand reached out and stopped you. His eyes were wide, and you looked at him, waiting for an explanation. 

"I never noticed those before" He said. 

You quirked a brow before raising a hand to your cheek, where he was staring. You then understood what he was staring at. Flecks of bright pink bio-luminescence decorated your cheeks, glowing in the dark of the night. the flecks looked almost like scales, even though your skin was smooth. He seemed to come out of whatever trance he was in, and you were then free to put your mask on, so you did. The two of you walked over to the group, and your breath was shaky. You knew that these lowbloods were fighting to bring down your kind, and they wouldn't take kindly to the summoner  forcing one into their ranks. 

It was that night that you got to witness how much those lowbloods loved their leader. 

And how much of a leader the summoner really was. 

"Brothers, a new age is coming" His heavily accented voice spoke over the hushed crowd. They got rowdy and excited the more he spoke, murmuring and sometimes shouting their agreements, but still always quieting down for him to speak. 

"We cannot be ignored anymore!" More murmurs. 

"We defeat the indigos only miles from the beaches they claim as their own! The Empress herself hides away in her Palace, and we send her back only her dead soldiers!"

You could feel the energy surging around you as you stared up at the summoner, who commanded so much power by simply standing on a log. 

"Brothers and sisters, We have made a mark on Alternia, but we wont stop there" He looked downward toward you, and you tried hard to plead with him through your eyes. You didn't want these people to see you as you were. You didn't want to be an enemy. 

"We will /personally/ usher in a new and glorious age" shouts of excitement rose from the crowd, and you felt a timebomb ticking in your stomach. 

"We will change the empire... from the inside out. And our newest recruit, _____, is going to help us do just that" 

The air was thick with expectations and curiosity. you felt sick when he reached down and offered you a hand. You took it, pulling yourself up onto the log. Up here, he was powerful. But you were simply intimidated. 

You gave him one final look of desperation before your hand found its way up to your mask, pulling it away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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