Sickly Sweet Holidays

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"Another year without her" my son Knox says to me. "Yea bud I know,"

I smile to cheer my kids up,"but hey mommy would want us to have a fantastic Christmas like always"

I get up and go to the kitchen trying not to cry in front of of my kids. "Daddy, can we have hot chocolate?" My daughter Amelie asks. "Yea of course" I sniffle. She wraps her arms around my waist from behind,"it's ok daddy. Remember mommy would want us to move on" I squeeze her hands "yea I know sweetie"

"Come on let's make hot chocolate shall we?" I sound excited to change the mood. "Yay!" Knox runs in. "Is uncle brendon coming over too"Amelie asks sitting on the island. "Yea he's on his way right now" I pour the hot water in the kettle.

"Hey kids while your waiting why don't you pick a movie for all of us to watch." I yell out the kitchen. They both agree and run into the living room. Minutes later I hear my door slam open. "Guess who!" The kids run towards brendon.

"Hey could you not break my door today" I laugh walking towards him. After the kids hug him, I get mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls me in. "Thanks for coming" I say in his ear. "No problem," we break the hug "anyways I love seeing my neice and nephew" he drops his bags and yells to me, "did you make me hot chocolate too!"

"Hey I'm not your slave" I laugh, "but yes I did make you hot chocolate and where watching elf" I carry the drinks inside. They all grabbed their cups and got comfortable. I sit next to brendon, Knox sits next to me and Amelie sits next to brendon. We start the movie.

Brendon's POV

I wake up hours later after the movie. It's already dark out. Amelie is sleeping under my arm, Dallon is sleeping on my shoulder and his son under his arm. I look over to dallon again smiling to myself I'm glad I'm here to help him out in this time. It was a tragedy that night.

Dallon's POV

I wake up the next morning finding myself asleep on Brendon's shoulder. Embarrassed I quickly stratighten myself up. My kids are already up and eating cereal and Brendon is dead to the world. I get up and go to the kitchen, "hey kids" I sit down. "hi daddy!" I'm greeted by them. "Daddy you want us to make you and uncle brendon breakfest?" Before I could answer brendon already agrees and sits next to me. "Sure sweety"

"So did we finish that movie last night or did we fall asleep?" Brendon asks. "You too fell asleep, but then me and him watched another movie then went to bed with you" my daughter explains. "Sorry for falling asleep on you guys I guess we were really tired" I laugh.

Soon our cereal was ready and we finish eating while having some small talk with te kids. "So what's our plans today?" Brendon asks. "We'll the kids are going to their aunts house till tommrow morning and we'll be here cleaning and whatnot." I answer while drying the dishes. The kids moan and groan. "Hey you don't know what she has planned" I turn around and cross my arms. "But I wanna spend time with uncle brendon" my daughter whines while my son agrees. "Haha guys I'll be here for the rest of the month don't worry" he kneels next to them "here I'll help you guys get ready" the kids cheer and scream and run to their rooms. Brendon stands up. "Thanks again" I smile. "Stop thanking me, it's my pleasure being here" he relplies and goes to the kids room.

I'm so glad that brendon is here to help me out. Especially after a year were still having problems. I really do need the help and I'm glad it's him. He's something special.

"Daddy look what uncle brendon dressed my in" my son runs into my room. I turn around to look. "Wow you guys are matching. Haha" I laugh. "Yea of course. I mean, who doesn't want to be like their uncle brendon" he says. Before I could make a remark my daughter runs in to show me what he dressed her in to. "Nice outfit, I can't believe your uncle picked it out" Brendon scoffs and sits on my bed. "So guys your aunt is on her way so get your shoes on" I put down my son and sit next to brendon as my kids run out.

Sickly Sweet Holidays//Brallon OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now