“She’s right babe, that’s the rule,” I said, giggling softly.  “You don’t have to though since you didn’t know.”

“Well it’s the rule, so…” he said, grinning slightly and raising his drink to his lips and taking a sip. 

After getting all the cards dealt and briefly reviewing the rules, we started to play.  Harry was very confused at first, seeing as this was his first drinking game ever.  He leaned his elbows on his knees, holding his hands in front of me so I could see his cards, sheltering my body in his as I tried to walk him through his moves. 

His chin rested against my temple as he watched, his chest pressing against my shoulders.  It felt so good to be so wrapped up together without being over the top in a public place, and my heart fluttered every time a new part of him touched me. 

It had taken hardly any time for each of us to down our drinks, taking sips for the extra rules my friends had invented to facilitate more reasons to drink.  Our empty cups were filled almost instantly by Will, who ventured to the kitchen and returned with drinks for nearly everyone.  By the time the game was over, Harry had consumed three full cups of the mysterious liquid, while I nursed my second one still.

I could tell he was getting a bit tipsy, because his words slowed even more than usual, his lips dragging across the words as he spoke carefully, trying not to slur.  His hands, too, grazed across my back and down my side, getting touchier the more he drank, not that I minded.  I, too, found myself craving more contact with him, pressing my back into his legs and reaching around to tickle my fingers along his ankles. 

His lips mumbled against my ear, whispering some silly nonsense about something he had just observed across the party.  I leaned my head into his, turning my face more towards him as I grinned, loving the feeling of his lips against me. 

His arms tightened in front of my shoulders, hugging me to him from behind.  I couldn’t stop laughing as he smirked into my ear, his silly words pouring into me, completely captivating me.  I quickly forgot we were even at a party, utterly loosing myself in him. 

When he pressed a kiss to the hinge of my jaw, I couldn’t help but reach my hand back to snake into his hair, tangling at the back of his head.  I tilted my head back and pulled him down to me, pressing his lips to mine. 

The world disappeared around us as he exhaled into our kiss, holding himself there for a few seconds before pulling back.  He shot me a shy grin before his eyes darted quickly around the room, suddenly remembering we weren’t alone at all. 

His eyes widened and he blushed.  Turning my head, I saw what he was looking at.  Every single girl sitting around the table was staring at us with wide eyes.  Some had their lips bit into their mouth, some had their jaws hanging open, but the universal theme to all of them was clear: adoration. 

“You guys are fucking adorable,” Haley said, sounding slightly surprised and jealous all at the same time.  She smacked Jack on the chest.  “Why aren’t we cute like that?” He just laughed.

Harry cleared his throat, embarrassed at having been caught and scrutinized so closely.  I reached my hands up to hold onto his, which were still draped around my shoulders in front of me. 

“Seriously, so fricking cute,” a girl I didn’t know chimed in.  She was looking at us like we were the most amazing thing she had ever seen.  I grinned.

“Thank you?” I said, laughing.  I squeezed Harry’s hands and tangled my fingers into his.  Harry kissed the top of my head and the group, including Will, let out a collective, “Awwww.”  I giggled again, feeling extremely giddy from the combination of Harry, my friends, and the alcohol.  Tonight was going so much better than I ever thought possible. 

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