What is he up to?

"She spoke to me when I visited her in the medical bay." My mother told him

"I knew her voice would come out eventually."

"It still needs to be treated." My mother looked at me "you still seem to have a lot of swelling in your throat and voice still sounds scratchy."

"Well I have a guide now to take care of me so I don't need you." I said gracefully

She frowned

"So you met Jackson? What do you think of him?" He said

"He's nice." I assured him "he's very friendly and he seems to care more about people than his job."

"He is a very humble person. I'm glad you like him."

Why is he being so nice to me?

Our food was brought out to us and it look so good. My mouth was watering. It was much but it was more than I seen in five years. It was just a simple vegetable soup, but it was better than the food I was getting. I didn't even think it was real food. I knew I couldn't eat this all in once. I had to eat slow but I really didn't want to.

"I ask Jackson what he though we should feed you for dinner I don't want you getting sick in me. This is what he suggested. I hope you like it." My uncle told me

"It's fine thank you."

"Are you sure?" My uncle asked "I'm not really sure what you like."

I'm not sure either buddy join the club

"Why am I here?" I asked him changing the subject

I'm tired of this small talk bullshit

"What do mean you are having dinner with us cookie." My mom said

I cringe

"No I mean like why am I here as in out of my cell." I rolled my eyes

"I told you why." My uncle assured me

"There has to be more." I pushed on

"Like what?" He said

"Like why are you being nice to me? Why are you testing me like this? Why are you acting like you didn't throw me in a cell for five years? Why are you acting like everything is normal!" I was getting angry

"I told you I want a fresh start." He said irritated

"It couldn't happen randomly." I laughed

"I had a long time to think about what I did." He said through his

"Yeah a long time." I snorted "I'm not buying any of your bullshit."

"Language!" My mom cried

I gave her a death look.

"Look you don't have to trust me or even like me but you have to believe me. I'm doing this for the greater good. I'm s changed man." He explained

I laughed humorlessly "I'll believe it when I see it." And with that I got up from the table and started to leave. I heard my mom calling me back but I didn't listen and I didn't care that I didn't eat much of my food. I've had worst days I'm use to it.

I didn't bother waiting for the escorts to bring me back to my room, I just escorted myself there I knew my way.

When I got there I opened the door and then shut it closed once I was in. I slid down to my knees while my back was against the door.

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