They got to the building that they were supposed to be at and went to their separate rooms. Ashton suddenly felt the familiar lonely feeling he used to have in high school as he walked by himself into the classroom that was beginning to fill with students. Taking a quick glance around, he didn't see Anya around or thankfully Calum. It gave him a sense of deja vu as he realized that he was once again in a class alone. He hurried to the empty front row, taking a seat directly in the middle. The professor was at his computer, not paying any attention to the students that were filtering into the room.

Ashton looked him over, concluding the guy most likely came across as strict, but was actually a really nice person once one were to get to know him or get to be one of his reliable students. He looked away from the professor and lifted his backpack onto the desk, sliding out his laptop, notebook, and his selection of pens. He set them up in an orderly fashtion, his OCD tendencies causing him to make sure that everything was set perfectly. With a quick swipe on the laptop mouse, the computer turned on. Ashton quickly typed in his password and filled out the prompt it gave him in order to connect to the campus wifi. It didn't take him long to bring up a blank document for notes and also scroll through his artsy Tumblr, reblogging a few outstanding posts. He quickly closed out of the Google Chrome window as soon as the teacher made a loud slap on his podium.

"Welcome to modern philosophy. I am Dean Walsh. You can call me Dean, Walsh, Professor...but for the love of everything that is holy, do not call me Mr. Walsh. That's my father's name."


Ashton rose up from the desk an hour later, putting his things back into his bag. As he shoved his laptop into the pocket, he heard his phone vibrating on the table. Once he finished zipping the bag, he clicked on the device to see that it was Anya asking him to lunch with her and Bryana. He quickly texted back a confirmation, figuring he might as well since he had about three hours until his next and final class of the day.

The walk to the central cluster of trees that he was meeting Bryana and Anya wasn't all that far from where Ashton was. He saw his friends standing by one of the trees, deep in conversation. He rushed over to them, excited that he would be around people that he knew instead of a room full of strangers that he didn't speak a word to.

"Hello, girls," he said as approached the two.

"Hi, Ashton," the two said in unison.

"How was class?" Bryana asked.

"Oh, it was wonderful. I can't wait until the next day I have it," Ashton gushed, trying not to let his inner nerd show, but it was just so difficult not to. "What about you?"

"It wasn't as grueling as I thought it would be," she giggled.

"Well, while you guys were off learning, I was working and I found out that Calum skipped his morning class today," Anya spilled, quirking her eyebrows up. "He's probably freaking out about your date."

Bryana rolled her eyes and chuckled. "As if. Speaking of, I need to find something to wear and was wondering if you both would be willing to help a girl out?"

"I am certainly not the person to ask to assist you," Ashton surrendered, putting his hands up.

"Oh, please! You probably have a very good eye for fashion," Anya pointed out.

"Seriously! After lunch, come back to our dorm room. If anything, you can just give the male perspective," Bryana bargained.

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