chapter 6.

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JOI P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You know that new kid, Chase? Yeah, I like him. I like him a lot. Remember Jay? Yeah, I like him too. I'm torn between them! And I know, I know I can't get either of them. It kills. Anna has both of their hearts stolen, that seriously makes me even madder at Anna. 

Yeah, the jealousy and envy definitely shows. I am jealous of Anna, but that's not the only reason I left her. She just wasn't focusing on me as much, neither was Jay. So, to be honest...I felt like a 3rd wheel. Katie doesn't make me feel like that, because their is no third person to our group at all. I am starting to learn more and more about Katie as the time goes by. I really think she could easily take the place of Anna.

Anna..the pretty one.

Anna...the smart one.

The popular, fun, creative, everything one. 

What is going on with me?! Why am I thinking that stuff about her? Why is my jealousy getting to me like this? I can't believe I gave up my best friend because Jay likes her, and Chase likes her. I can't believe I gave up my best friend because she is better than everything than me.

Its not like she ever told me not to leave her, right? Its not like she ever tried to talk to me...right?

At that moment, I realized that Anna should just be better off with her and Jay...along with Chase. I know for a fact that Jay does not like me at all anymore. So the wisest thing to do try and get Chase to move towards me. Make up my old friend group, but with different people. 

Its evil, but Anna doesn't need more than one guy drooling at her feet. She needs just one. Jay.


ANNA P.O.V. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Anna Jameson, you have officially graduated!" Cried my Grandma as I walked down the aisle to stand by the rest of my graduated classmates. I stood next to my best friend Jay, he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back to him, happy that we both made it. 

The next name that was read, "Joi Kelly, you are now officially graduated. Congratulations on your hard works here." 

Jay and I looked at each other, and applauded very lightly. I looked at the ground, her name sent a sharp pain through my heart, just a little one. But it was gone before I could make phsyical notice of it. Joi walked to the edge of the row and stood next to her two best friends, Katie and Chase. Well, Chase has become more than a best friend to Joi, as I had heard. 

I remember when Chase and I used to be really good friends. Those were days that I look back on, not forward to. One day, he just stopped talking to me and Jay all together and that was that for the rest of the middle...and highschool years. Joi left us too one day, and totally made a new friend group, as if Jay and I weren't good enough for her.

I know it killed Jay to see Joi go off with other people, but both him and me knew that it was best to just leave it alone and stay where we were at . 

Over time, Jay and I are seriously the best of friends, the peak of our friendship. He is always there for me, and I am always there for me. We do everything together and we were in all the same classes. Not to mention the fact that they both got full-ride scholarships to Lindyn University. Best college around. 

I couldn't stop smiling. Today was a good day. I get to go off with my best friend to college, and meet new people! But, I have to leave memories and people behind. That is the one sad part. I can leave Chase and Joi, I kinda already have. I probably won't ever talk to them again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2013 ⏰

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