chapter 5

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JOI P.O.V. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You know, life seems better without talking to neither Jay, or Anna! They try to text me, I read their message and don't respond. Anna tries to call me, but I decline her call. I am happier not seeing them around as much, I only see them at school. I don' t talk to them, and I avoid any eye contact. It's really helping me focus on school, and other people that have potential in being my friends. 

I already have a new friend and her name is Katie, she's completely awesome. She's pretty, unlike me. And she doesn't like Jay, so that actually makes this girl better. She is atheltic, and we have the same interests and humor. She's really cool. 

She doesn't live too far away. She's just in walking distance from my house. I have been there a few times. Plus, a bonus to Katie is that she is helping me get my mind off of Jay all the time and pointing my focus on other guys. 

I have already grown feelings for this one guy named Chase. He is a new kid who transferred a week ago, and he seems to have a thing for Anna, of course. She acts like she's known him forever, and Chase seems to be terrified of getting anywhere near Jay.

School is beginning to be fun, but 7th grade isn't really the best year to make memories, and I shouldn't be lovestruck at this age. But more has happened to me at this age then it would in highschool so far. Its pretty weird, but I am just gonna live with it and hope something good will come out of this. 

JAY P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Yeah, Joi has completely left the best friend group. She has made a new friend, and she has stopped talking to us completely. Anna and I have made it along without her. Except for the fact that Chase transferred to our school. Things got pretty intense. I think Anna is stressed between the two of us fighting, but no so much since the last encounter with him at the pond. She definitely is showing a different like for him. Not like like, but just like.

That's good enough for me, I mean, since I like her and all. That just means she doesn't like him, and that has a better chance of her liking me instead. But who even knows.....I  don't think I am worthy for her. She is a social one, that Anna. I like her not just because of that...but because of everything else about her! The only part about this is...she's my best friend..nothing more. And that is what it's supposed to stay as.

I'm really sure I like her, and I probably always will.

ANNA P.O.V. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Since Joi is completely out of our lives now. Jay and I have been doing pretty well being just two best friends. We tried out for soccer together and we both made it, so we have practice today. Now, I remember that day when Jay kissed me on the cheek, a couple weeks ago. I don't even know if it was real, or he was just trying to make me feel better about myself. 

Oh, and Chase transferred here. Things have been tense between him and Jay. Chase only talks to me when Jay is no where in sight. I think that is a pretty wise choice.

I was getting my stuff out of my locker since school ended. Jay and I always meet in the lunch room so we can walk to practice together. I was a little late so I was hurrying to get there. When i got there, he was waiting. I told him if I was ever late he should just go. People who are late have to stay behind at practice, by themselves, and clean everything up. The coach just goes home and leaves the work to the players.

I looked at Jay like he was crazy for waiting for me, but we still ran to the locker rooms as fast as we could. When we got there we split in opposite directions and headed into the locker rooms. I changed as fast as I could, and waited for Jay to get done. He opened the boy's locker room door and then he and I walked out to the soccer field. 

When coach saw us, he yelled out, "Anna and Jay! Where were you?"

We looked at each other and I said, "Got held up by teachers. Sorry, coach."

"Haha, don't apologize to me. Apologize to yourself. You and Jay are the ones who have to stay behind practice and clean everything up. While I get to go home and eat pizza." Coach said with his awful, crackily laugh.

Jay and I glanced at each other again and I said, "I told you not to wait, Jay." 

"Anna, I don't care if your late. I'm still going to wait for you." 

I started walking towards the field and started running with the team. Jay is so crazy. 

JAY P.O.V. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Soccer practice was fun today, we scrimmaged. Anna and I are the main mids and we got put on seperate teams, so it was basically a showdown. She's seriously amazing at soccer, I'd rather watch her play soccer than actually play myself. That is saying a lot. I am slowly getting the fact that Anna probably likes me no more than best friend ranking. But, I still like her. 

Coach left, and so did all the players did eventually. Then, it was time for me and Anna to clean up the practice. We started with collecting all the balls together and putting them in the bags. We each took a bag and headed towards the school building. When we got to the school building I set down my bag so I could open the door for Anna. She smiled and walked through. 

I picked up my bag and hustled into the door before it could close in front of me. I sped up a little to catch up to her. When we got to the supply closet, the door was already open so we just walked in. She tripped over a hula-hoop that was on the floor, and fell. She landed on her bag of soccer balls so at least she had some cushion to her fall. 

I dropped my bag and quickly helped her up.

"Anna! Are you okay?" I asked frantically. 

"Yeah, stupid little hula-hoops." She said, seeming fine. 

"Good." I said, relieved. 

"Let's just sit for a moment." She said. 

We sat down on our bags. I moved my bag so that it was next to her so I could sit by her. She looked like she was about to cry, but I wasn't going to say anything. She sat there and stared at the floor. She had seemed down for a few days, but I guess I never noticed too much. 

"Anna, what's wrong?" I asked, looking at her.

She looked at me and I saw one tear come into her eye, but she blinked and it was gone.

"Well, I have just been sad and confused lately." She said.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Well...this is gonna sound really stupid. Everytime I look in the mirror, I see something that I think is ugly. People tell me I'm not, even you..that one time you..nevermind. But, I really feel like there's things I need to improve on how I look..." She said while she was staring at the floor.

I didn't know what to say. I knew she was talking about how one time I had kissed her on the cheek. I couldn't understand how someone that beautiful could think they are ugly.

I scooted closer to her and grabbed her shoulders. I turned her so she was looking at me.

I said what I thought I needed to say right there and then,

" are my best friend. You are a GIRL and you are my best friend. Everything about you is what I would look for in a guy best friend, except for the fact that...Listen Anna, I have been hiding this ever since I met you but I am so serious when I say this. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on and I have never been more happy than you being my best friend."

She looked at me with the widest eyes in the world.

She opened her mouth and said the words I thought she'd never say,

"And Jay, you are the most hottest guy I have ever laid eyes on and I have never been more happy than you being my best friend."

I smiled, thought for a second. I did what I have been wanting to do for the past 3 years of my life. I kissed her. I kissed Anna Jameson, on the lips. My best friend. 

I kissed her.


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