chapter 3

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JOI P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up feeling sick...and mad. I really want to get away from them. They are getting on my nerves with their little flirt sessions right in front of my face. They say they are my best friends, but then they go off and do stuff with out me. 

I am sitting on my bed thinking about this. When I hear my door start to open. I quickly lay down, and put on my blanket to make it look as if I were still asleep. I heard footsteps come over towards my bed and then they stopped. I got scared because someone was in my room, by my bed, and standing still. 

I was breathing heavily when I heard a voice say,

"Joi, I am really sorry about last night. Jay was just apologizing for tickling me. I saw you in your bedroom window looking mad. I didn't mean to make you mad, I didn't even know he was going to talk to me. I am really sorry, Joi." Anna said with sympathy. 

I never said anything back to her. I knew she wasn't sorry. I could tell that she wasn't because she would've had a longer speech. I knew that somewhere, Anna liked Jay, but she didn't want to make me mad by telling me. This is making me even more mad that she wouldn't tell me. 

You can see on her face that she likes him. The way she acts around him, it's obvious. Am I the only one that notices?

Am I the only one that is left out?

Am I not good enough for Jay?

All these questions...I don't know what to do. A lot goes through my head. They live on the same block as me, go to the same school as me. I might just have to live with it. 



I wemt and told my best friend that I was sorry...she was still alseep. I turned around and left her house. I really did feel bad. I knew she liked Jay, but she has to realize that best friends can talk to each other on a sidewalk.  Or get tickled by him for hacking his phone. It's really getting annoying, you know...the jealousy. But she is my best friend, so I am just going to have to live with it.

I can't get away from Joi and her jealousy. I can't leave my best friend. I am just going to have to bear with the life of "Joi the Jealous".

~~ 2 hours later~~

I went to the park that was on a different street than ours. I was trying to get away from Joi because she would just go on and on about Jay. Also, she has been ignoring  me completely lately, so I won't have trouble getting away from Joi. 

I am trying to get away from Jay because he would end up probably wanting to do something stupid in front of Joi to make her think we are flirting again. I was enjoying this completely, swinging without worry. I started to enjoy myself too much, apparently, because I heard a voice say,

"What the heck are you doing?" said a squeaky little voice. 

"Ermm...umm." I tried to say something while trying to stop my swing and brushing the hair out of my face. I finally got my self back onto Earth and looked at the rude person who interrupted my time. It was a guy who looked about my age. He was pretty cute, but I was kinda mad at him. But then again, I embarassed myself in front of a cute guy. 

So either way, me and this kid we're off to a bad start. 

"Well, I was enjoying myself on the swing until you interupted me, kid." I said with a bit of attitude showing in my voice. 

"Hey, I am not judging you. I just wanted to know what a pretty girl like you would be doing at a park alone." he asked with a look of confusion yet interest on his face.

"Oh, thanks. I was just trying to get away from my friends Joi and Jay." I said 

"Hey. My name is Chase. Wanna hang out at this park with me for a while?"

"Sure. Hi, Chase. My name is Anna."  I said with excitement.

"Then follow me, Anna."  he said happily. 

"Alright," I said as he grabbed my hand. A shot of electricity went up my back. I think I kinda like Chase, but....I barely know him. 

He took me to the pond in the back of the park and we sat on the grass. He never did let go of my hand for a while. 

This is awesome.

alright! thats it for this chap! thanks for reading. GIVE ME FEEDBACK

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