"It's perfect," Quinn interrupted Spencer. She didn't care what the place looked like. It was hers. Hers until she got back on her feet. It was perfect for her. "I can't thank you guys enough."

Blake chuckled softly, placing a light hand on her shoulder. "It's what we do. We give justice to those who deserve it." A comfortable silence came over the group for a moment, each of them simply enjoying the quiet. "I'll leave you to sleep," Blake said. "You look like you need it." Quinn smiled at her teasing, nodding in agreement. The woman slipped a piece of paper into Quinn's hand. "This is my number. Call it if you need anything, have any questions, or just want to talk. I may be a couple of states away, but that doesn't mean I can't listen," she told her. Quinn's grin grew at her words, nodding once more and accepting the piece of paper.

"Thank you," Quinn said. "For everything."

Blake squeezed her shoulder and smiled, exiting the apartment, waving at Spencer as well. The two had said their goodbyes prior to this.

The door shut and Quinn turned to face Spencer who smiled at her awkwardly. The two didn't exactly know what to say to each other, both of them exhausted and beat down from the hours they had previously lived.

It was silent until Spencer unclipped his bag that he was wearing around his shoulder. "They, uh-" He stumbled over his words, pulling out a small picture frame. "This has been in federal custody for a long time. They saw your face and they realized it once belonged to you."

Quinn furrowed her brow but took the frame from him, flipping it over. She brought her free hand to her mouth as her eyes fell on the people in the picture. Through the fresh tears she was able to see her parents and herself smiling. It was of them on their trip to San Francisco three months before she had been abducted. "How did they-"

"It was from the crime scene," Spencer replied softly. Quinn glanced up at him with ghost of a smile. "I thought you'd like to have it."

"You didn't have to," she whispered. Quinn couldn't understand why this man had shown her so much kindness in these last few days. Kindness was a foreign concept to her, but the girl got the feeling that she would be exploring it more.

"Yes, I did," the genius responded. "I thought it would help this place feel more like home."

Quinn almost laughed at his statement. "What does home even mean anymore? What is it?" Her words were so quiet, Spencer almost missed them. He was able to pick up the bitterness in her tone. Quinn saw his expression change at her words, and guilt ran through her body. "I-I'm sorry. I'm just not used to people caring about me."

Spencer felt his heart break slightly. "Don't be sorry, I understand."

There was a lull in the conversation until Quinn spoke softly. "Thank you," she said. Her eyes met his and she felt her cheeks burn as she continued. "I know that you had a lot to do with what was to happen to me. I know you helped convince everyone that I should be let free and put on the team."

"It wasn't just me-"

"But you believed me from the beginning," Quinn interjected quietly. "No one else did. And for that, I can't thank you enough."

It was Reid's turn to blush. "I, uh, you're, uh, you're welcome," he said. Quinn smiled at his stammering. "I should, I should probably get going."

"Get some sleep," she told him, making Spencer grin at her. "I'd, uh, hug you, but just by observing you, I'm able to tell you're a large germaphobe and don't love touching people you don't know well, so I'm going to, um, respect that." His brow scrunched up for a moment, his smile suddenly turning fond as he stared at her. No one had ever picked that up right off the bat, he thought.

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