18- The Archer and The Queen

Start from the beginning

"Why, who do we have here?" Helena asked snidely, staring at me as if she were superior to even the king himself.
"Little Miss No Title and Daddy's girl" she snickered, the toad faced ladies behind her laughing also.
"And who do we have here?" I asked, the same snideness in my voice.
"Little Miss Jealous and the toad faces." I laughed, I don't let people walk all over me, especially bullies.
"Me? Jealous?" She asked defensively.
"Yes, someone seems a little upset that the Queen conversed with me for longer than you." I smirked.
"Well, I've conversed with the Prince more than you!" She retorted and I blew up into more giggles.
"Are you trying to impress me? Because I don't care. Besides, If you've talked to the Prince, pigs can fly." I responded, turning on my tail and walking to the cards table on the side of the drawing room.

Just as I was ready to sit down with some ladies and submerge myself into a game of poker, a knock came from the other side of the door on the far side of the room.
"Enter." The queen called and two footmen walked in, both holding the largest bouquets of flowers I had ever seen.
"We have flowers to deliver to Lady Rosalind Ravenswood." One of them stated as they both bowed before the Queen.
She nodded her head and they rose, as I walked over, confused. "I am Lady Rose, who are these from?"

"We may not say, your ladyship, but we have a note." One informed as his gloved hand passed me a folded piece of paper. They walked over to a table and sat them down, promptly walking out of the room. One of the bouquets was full of Roses of all different colours, the other filled with the largest variety of flowers I have ever seen. I gasped at their beauty, looking down to the note that read;

"A rose for a Rose.
And a flower for the girl with the flour.
Theo. x"

I sighed. It was Theo. Trust a rich, spoilt prince to get this large abundance of flowers. I bet he simply ordered his servants to pick them and put no effort into it whatsoever. He probably has done this for every girl he has ever fancied.

"Who is that from?" Elizabeth questioned noisily.
"No one of importance." I muttered, screwing up the note and throwing it in the fire.


"Ladies, I would like to invite you all to an archery lesson this afternoon." The Queen announced to the room of ladies all sitting around the table enjoying tea and scones.
"Unfortunately, I shall not be attending due to prior commitments, but my son, Prince Adrian, shall be there to accompany you all." The room suddenly filled with audible gasps and excited expressions.

"But please, I beg you all to call him Prince Theo. he prefers the name Theo and regards you all as friends." She permitted and the ladies tittered, conversation soon after turning to what they would be wearing their first time meeting the prince, other than at the masquerade where nobody knew who he was.

"Except me." I thought bitterly. "I knew who he was... Or at least I thought I did."

We all took leave from the drawing room and returned to our rooms, the other ladies hurriedly rushing, so as to get ready for their archery lesson with the Prince. I strolled aimlessly until I reached my suite.

Catherine wasn't there so I decided I should get dressed myself. I pondered what to wear. Something practical, obviously. Perhaps my riding outfit? No, I at least wished to look mildly presentable. I knew all the other ladies would be looking exceptionally beautiful and something inside me made we want to look good in front of Theo.

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