Ch. 1

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"We've listened to this song about 6 times in the last half hour, I'm pretty confident I can speak Korean now." Lauren laughed half heartedly.

"Sorry, sorry. I've just been thinking about how I'll probably never meet them, and it kinda really sucks ya know, realizing the people that inspire you so much have no idea you exist."

"Mmhm." She hummed not paying much attention.

"For real Laur, are you listening to me at all?" I groan.

"Yeah Grace, I'm listening. It's just like Seventeen is all you talk about now and I really don't understand the whole KPOP deal any ways."

"I don't understand it either to be honest, its just... they just make me happy." My words come out as a sigh rather than a confident explanation.

"Oh my God!" Lauren stated several moments later while scrolling on her phone.

"You're not supposed to say 'Oh my God'"

"Shut up, your references aren't clever anymore, I know them all..... But forget it, I've had a spectacular epiphany to end your eternal whining." Lauren rolled over on my bed to face me.

I got off my back and sat criss cross to face her. "Oh please continue wise one"

"Why don't you just DM your favorite on Twitter or something, maybe they'll reply, don't they already follow you back?"

"Yeah, they do follow me but they all share the same Twitter account, and that would just be weird Laur, you know I'm not brave enough for something like that." I twirl my hair around my index finger, sighing again.

"Dude, what's the worst that could happen, it's not life or death, grow some tits and just say 'hi'" She punched me in the shoulder.

Lauren could be tough sometimes, she's also very patronizing but I don't think she means to be. She's just over all better than I am. She's social, active, gorgeous, smart, flirty, over all just a great person just not good at knowing her limits.

"Dude that hurt, it'd be one thing if I knew they'd answer or actually wanted to reply to me." I rubbed my shoulder.

"I don't know Gracie, you do look pretty cute in your new profile pic, they may want to do more than answer." She raised her eyebrows while picking at her blonde ends.

"Maybe I could say that I'm a journalist looking to interview them or something, huh?"

"No, be straight up. Just ask for... what's his name aga-"

"Hansol." I cut her off.

"I thought his name was Vernon?" She tilted her head in a questionable manner.

"Well it is but, just forget about it, it's not happening." I groan falling back on my bed, dropping my phone next to me.

The next thing I hear is Lauren typing in my phone password.

"Nice lock screen short stack." Lauren giggled at my picture of Hansol.

"I'm not short, you're just tall. Now give me that!"
I stood up trying to snatch my phone back.

"Not until you agree to DM them, or him, whatever. But until that moment I'm going to start the message for you." She stuck her tongue out at me playfully.

"No, don't. Please Lauren." I begged crossing my hands.

"Dear Hernon, I am grace and I love yo-"

"IT'S HANSOL, now stop there." I corrected her message.

"Swear you'll do it?" Lauren squinted her eyes at me and held the phone over her head.

"That's like black mail, that's just evil!" I stretched my words.

"Are you going to do it?" She boldly questioned.

"I guess." I huffed in defeat. I sat on the edge of my bed and crossed my arms.

"Go on, do it Grace, what's the worst that could happen?" She hovered over my shoulder.

"He sees it and laughs, leaving me humiliated!" I reply.

"You'll never know if you don't try, come on."

Here goes nothing.

More Than a Dream //Hansol Vernon Chwe Where stories live. Discover now