The First DM

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Suddenly I'm awake. Stupid phone, can't believe I forgot to turn my alarm off. I roll out of bed and pick up my phone from the nightstand. Huh? What's this? I shut off my alarm and clicked on my Twitter notification. Through half closed and blurry eyes I can tell someone DMed me. I wonder who..... Wait. Was that a dream? Or... Could this be Daz?

Holy crap wait. I ran to my dresser and hurriedly put on my contacts.
"Ah, nice and clear again."
As I get closer to my phone, my hearts pounding. I unlock my phone yet again and prepare myself. As I peek at my screen, I can see a familiar icon.

One minute I'm groggy and irritated, the next I'm jumping for joy. My world is interrupted by a knock on my door.
"Come in!"
"Liz, why are you screaming so early in the morning? You're going to wake the whole house."
Is it really that early? I glance at the clock and realize it's only 5:30 in the morning.
"Sorry mum, I didn't realize the time."
"Just be glad I woke up and not your father. Why were you making such a ruckus anyways?"
"Oh, it was nothing. K sent me a video of her brother being an idiot as always."
Technically I wasn't lying. K has sent me multiple videos of her brother that are worthy of contagious laughter. K (better known as Katherine) is one of my closest friends. We immediately hit it off our senior year of high school. Back then, I was going through some tough times and she aided me in finding peace. I avoid thinking about how I was in the past, I'd much rather live in the present. Ever since then we've kept contact and built a fabulous friendship.
"Well, next time don't make such a fuss. We love having you around, but this isn't something we've missed."
My mum gave me a tired smile and shut the door behind her.

After high school I took a year off before going to college. Once I was there, I had no idea what I was doing. My first year all of the courses were basic and required for everyone. But, the second was the worst. Students had started to take courses that aligned with their majors and here I was still undecided. I rarely know what I want to eat for my next meal, how am I supposed to know what I want to be for the rest of my life? Ultimately, college wasn't the place for me. I enjoy learning, but I just don't know what I want to do yet. Thankfully I didn't bother to go to a "fancy" school and stuck with community college. There wasn't much debt to be paid for those pointless years. For now I moved back in with my parents, maybe I'll find my passion when I have no worries on my back.

Once I was sure my mother was back in her room, I grabbed my phone. I entered my passcode and prepared to see the message.
My face immediately lit up as I confirmed who it was.

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