It's Under There!

15 1 1

Child: Screams

Moments later parents burst through door dad first armed with a baseball bat to see the child in corner with blanket.

Dad: What's wrong son?

Child: I saw it! I saw it!

Mom: What did you see honey?

Child: The boogey monster!

Mom: Where did you see him?

Child: He is under there! Pointing to the bed

Dad: I told you Timmy that monsters aren't real... Don't you trust me?

With tears in his eyes Timmy reluctantly nods

Dad: Now come on, let's get you off to bed.

The father picks him up and leads him to his bed but noticing Timmy squirmed and screamed not wanting to go near his bed

Mom: Alright, alright. Carl let him just sleep with us tonight.

Dad: sighs Fine, does that sound good to you bucko?

Timmy nods less reluctantly this time. On the way out the door the mother comforts his son, telling him about all the candy he can have after breakfast in the morning as the father takes one last look into the room, turns off the light and shuts the door. The next morning the father goes to get some toys out of Timmy's room only to notice that the window was unlatched and swinging open... Maybe he wasn't all alone in his room last night.

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