"Naruto... he told me about Danzo and ROOT. He seems to think they're up to something."

Tsunade closed her eyes in thought as she heard that. "...It seems he's gotten sharper under Jiraiya."

"You think he's right?"

"Most likely... but nothing to do about it unless he makes a move. Anyway, it's time for you to go."


As Team Yamato made their way to the Land of Grass, Naruto and Sakura made little attempt to hide that they dislike Sai. They had stopped at a hotel with a hot spring, which they were all enjoying at the moment. Since they were just relaxing that day, Naruto created 150 clones and had them all work on completing the Rasengan, though he didn't tell his teammates.

As they relaxed, Naruto looked off in thought, thinking about Fu, all the recent developments, the mission and Sasuke. He hoped he could bring Sasuke back, but knew he would never come back willingly. Not unless Itachi died anyway. Even then, there was no telling how much he'd changed. What he didn't notice, but Yamato did, was that he was looking in the direction of the women's side of the hot springs.

"I'm done for now. But before I go, there's something I'd like to tell you, Naruto." Yamato began, getting the blonde's attention. "When Master Jiraiya was young, he came very close to dying once... six broken ribs, both arms were broken and several internal organs were ruptured. The cause was Tsunade's super human strength. What he did was what I believe you're thinking of doing right now. How do you think Sakura would react?"

"Huh?" Naruto replied before realizing where he had been looking. "Oh, you thought I was thinking of peeking? I'm not Pervy Sage, you know. I just had a lot on my mind. Besides, even if I was a pervert, I know what would happen if I did that. Sakura would beat me half to death and when we got back to Konoha, Fu would finish the job."

"I see, that's good to hear." Yamato replied before he went inside.

Fu and Team Asuma sat in a tea house in the Land of Fire, waiting for their orders. They had been traveling non-stop through the trees and were taking a short break.

"So, Fu, how's life in Konoha been?" Asuma asked.

"Good so far... I was afraid I'd be treated like I was back in Taki but I had nothing to worry about and Naruto and I just bought an amazing place to live." Fu answered with a smile.

"Wait, you bought a house together?" Ino asked.

"Well, more than a house, the Senju clan compound." Fu replied, shocking the rest of the team.

"What?" Ino asked. "Lady Tsunade sold you her clan's compound? Why?"

"Apparently, Naruto's her last living relative."

"Naruto's related to Lady Hokage?" Choji asked.

"Yeah, her grandmother was Mito Uzumaki. Naruto is the last survivor of her grandmother's clan."

"Wait, the Uzumaki are a clan?" Choji asked.

"They didn't teach that in the academy?" Fu asked. She thought they would given the relationship between Konoha and Uzushio.

"Afraid not. The Uzumaki clan led the village Uzushiogakure in the Land of Whirlpools, which was destroyed during a war years ago out of fear of their abilities. They were distant relatives of the Senju clan and were renowned for their sealing jutsu and longevity. Their village was such close allies with ours that we wear the symbol of Uzushio and the Uzumaki clan, the red spiral, to symbolize it. I'm sure you've noticed it before." Asuma explained.

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