three. arequipa

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By the time Mari gets to Arequipa, she's seen the animals of the Galapagos, gone horseback riding on a beach in Lima, scaled Machu Pichu in Cusco, and decided that if she could go back in time and redo anything in life, it would have been her decision not to travel abroad while she was in college. Because now, as she clenches her fists and awaits her turn to zip line, she decides that there's more to life than just being lucky, if you haven't lived it outside of the place you're from.

"Ready, Mari?"

She turns, smiling at the tall blonde beside her. "I'm so ready Luke," she squeals excitedly, because he and his friend Calum had gone one each of the optional adventure-outings with her, since Zayn didn't go on them for his fear of heights and Lennon didn't go on them in fear of losing her glasses.

"I'm really bad at putting in contacts, dude."

So, during the horseback riding and the zip-lining and the kayaking and the rock-climbing, Mari often needed to find a new buddy.

Cue, Luke and Calum.

Two tall cuties from Sydney, Australia, Mari had quickly befriended them somewhere in Ecuador when she was shrieking, running away from all of the birds.

Don't ask.

Luke laughs, tapping her helmet. Calum was already on the ground with Lennon and Zayn, and it was Mari's turn now, to join them.


She turns, grinning like a child at the man strapping her to the zip line.

She gives a thumbs up. "Ready."

And the man is smiling because she's smiling, giving her a thumbs up back before he pushes her from the platform.

"How was it?"

"Ah-mazing," Mari exclaims, a giant smile on her face. "It's...its, everything, guys, I swear--"

"Aww," Zayn grins, tugging her shirt. "You look so happy."

"She has that wind-swept glow," Lennon adds, pushing up her glasses.  "Today's a day for the journal."

Mari snaps her fingers. "Damn it, you're right," she nods. "Yes, girl. Yes."

"Journal?" Zayn looks between them. "What?"


She turns, outstretching her arms to the two approaching men.

"Come to me," she exclaims. "Come to me, my adventure friends."

Luke and Calum laugh, both of them squeezing her with hugs.

"I missed you," Calum jokes. "I can't live without you by my side."

"It's been so long."

"Too long."

Zayn clears his throat. "Well," he begins, "what're you up to today, mates?"

Luke's still got his arm around Mari's shoulder.   "I dunno," Luke shrugs, as Calum teases Lennon, tugging on her dark curls. "What're you doing today?"

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