two. buddy system

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Mari's eyes are actually open as the plane lands over Bogotá.

It's 10:30 AM as the flight cruises beneath the clouds, preparing to land in the capitol city of Colombia.

"The time is now 10:28," says the pilot. "It's about 62 degrees this morning, and showers are expected late tonight. On behalf of the crew, I thank you for flying JetBlue with us today. Enjoy your stay in Bogotá, and we hope to see you soon."

Mari's grinning, her cheeks hurting as she looks at the sprawling city beneath her. She's unable to blink, eyes devouring the lush greens of the rolling hills and high trees, all encasing the colorful buildings of the metropolitan city.

"Wow," she whispers to herself, because for a girl from San Diego, she's doing some big things right now.


And Mari shifts in her chair, sitting backwards against the seat as Zayn leans forward, staring out the window.

Mari looks down at the man leaned over in her lap. He's got a wide grin on his face, eyes bright as he stares at the city beneath them. "Look," he says, "We've made it, haven't we?"

She nods. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Zayn chuckles. "It is."

Mari forgot all about the language barrier.

"Um," she sticks close to Zayn as the crew in their program huddle together around baggage claim. "Do you speak Spanish?"

He folds his arms, turning to her. "No," is his reply.

She sighs.

"Could you understand me?" He smirks. "Because that was Spanish for 'no,' Marjani."

"Ha ha," she replies, elbowing him as he snickers to himself. "You suck."

"Most girls like that about me, y'know."

Mari scoffs, choking. "How old are you? Twelve?"

"Twenty-three but," he shrugs, "same thing."

She pulls a face. "Its not, but fine."

"I know," he laughs, "I just didn't want you to feel bad, love. S'good, though. We all can't be good at math."

Mari's got a tongue in her cheek, because right about now she's wondering when this boy became so sassy...and also when they became friends.

He laughs aloud. "Aw, Marjani," he coos, stepping closer. He places his hands on her shoulders, and Mari is wondering again how a plane ride into a different country has already changed her life. "I'm only fucking with you, yeah?"

"You can call me Mari, y'know."

"You said that, love..." He winks, "And I told you, your name's really not that hard to pronounce."

"Could everyone with Oasis join me once they've got their bags?!"

Zayn's hands drop to his sides.

He shoots her a small smile before motioning before him, towards the group.

The company was called Oasis, and it was a travel company specializing in tours and cruises and extended trips worldwide.

Together, Mari and Zayn wheel their bags towards the group of about twelve people gathered around a short Colombian man with brown eyes, a short crop of hair, a wide smile and a few tattoos up his arm.

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