Chpt. 38 (Convince Me)

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After you RESET, you had not been bothered by Chara for a long while. You had done the Pacifist Route for about 2 RESETS after what happened. You got back together with Sans and everything was happy....but, you weren't truly happy. You just weren't feeling it after what happened. You thought of and did things that brought joy to your life in other timelines, but that didn't work. Puns didn't even work! You just always felt that you needed to be PUNished for your past crimes. You were tossing and turning next to Sans in your bed. You suddenly woke up because you had a thought. You had a thought that would be best for everyone. You sat up and got out of bed while trying not to wake up Sans. You grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a note on it.

I'm going to the store to get something that might pain you, the one I adore. If you want to win the race, meet me at my favorite place. Only then you'll see what awaits. Please meet the new request of your mate's. If you don't meet me there then, dang. I might go out with a bang. You'll be at the crime scene. What you will see, will not be unseen. If you don't get here in time... Please remember me, Sansy. There will be no more resets that I do. Just know that I love you.

-(Y/N) <3

You signed your name and grabbed a piece of tape. You taped the paper to Sans's forehead. You giggled. It will probably be the last time that you do. You kissed Sans's cheekbone. You quietly went downstairs and put on your coat (that you bought again from that store) and hat. You checked your pockets for money before you left. You had 178G. You weren't sure if it would be enough, but since you got Bratty and Catty two separate Glamburgers, you thought that they would lower the price for you. You ran out of the house into the freezing cold. You made it to the river person. " Tra-la-la! You know I love to ride in my boat, so if if you would care to join me, where would you like to go today?" Your teeth were chattering. "H-H-Hotland, p-please." You got on the boat. "Off we go!" You guys set off in the boat. "You definitely should not do what you are about to do, (Y/N)," the river person spoke. You got nervous. "W-W-What are y-you t-t-talking ab-about?" I don't think I've ever stuttered more in my life. "I'm just saying that you will regret this when it happens. You will put Sans through a rough time. His life won't be the same without you. And not in a good way." You were confused. "What do you mean? I'm doing him good! He won't have to put up with anymore RESETS." "He would rather have RESETS than be without you, (Y/N). If you do this, the will NEVER really be happy. When it happens, you will see it in his face that I speak the truth. He does not want you to do this." You rolled your eyes. "You have no idea what has happened to him because I was there! He has died countless times because of me! I don't deserve to be with someone that forgives me and loves me and treats me with kindness and is with me through everything. I don't deserve him. He doesn't deserve to replay his life over and over. He.... Doesn't..." You felt tears sting your eyes. They looked back at you. "I know you will choose to do the right thing." You had arrived at Hotland. You jumped off of the boat and waved. They nodded their head at you as you kept walking. You were at a loss as you walked to the MTT Resort. When you finally got there, you looked down the alleyway to see if they were there. Of course they were. You pondered if you should do what you were about to do. You sighed as you walked to the stand that the two girls had. You had your hands in your pockets. You stopped when you reached the desk. Catty looked up from a box of garbage that they had on the floor. Her face lit up when she saw you. "OMG, Bratty! Look who's here!" Bratty sat up. "Oh my God! Nice to see you, (Y/N)! By the way, thanks for those Glamburgers yesterday! They were killer!" The word 'killer' sent chills down your spine. "Yeah! Totes killer," Catty copied. Catty was such a COPYCAT! That wasn't funny. "It was my pleasure, girls. Anyway, do you think that since I got you some of those that I could maybe have a lower price on something?" They thought for one second until Bratty said,"Um, sure! What do you want it on? We've got some new junk that we collected that we could sell. Let's see... A box of colors with two left, a pencil without the led, and a thing of nail polish that half full." Catty snatched the nail polish. "Sorry, this ones not for sale. You can pick the other things though!" There were a lot of new options, but you only came for one and that one only. " D-Do you guys still have that gun?" It was silent for a few seconds. "Uh, sure. We've still got that. It would only be 125." She put it on the table. You picked it up and looked it over. You checked if the was any ammunition in it. There was none. "Guys, are there any bullets around here?" Bratty looked around for some. "I think we've got one bullet somewhere. Catty where is the bullet?" "Ugh. I wanted to keep it," she wined. "Why?" "I just wanted to. It was supposed to be a gift for somebody. Don't judge," Catty HISSED. "Can I have it if I pay 2 times the price that you were selling it to me for?" She rolled her eyes. "Fine.I'll give it to you." She reached into her shirt or bra and got the bullet. I guess she really wanted to keep it safe for that person she was GUNna give it to. She handed it to you. It was warm. Ew. "Ummm, thanks?" "That will be 140G all together!" You scrounged up your money and gave it to them. They stared at it like it was the most money that they had seen in their entire lives. You grabbed the gun and filled it with the one piece of ammunition. You weren't sure if you were ready to do it yet. The river person flipped your whole plan on its head by talking to you. You were so unsure about what to do.

Sans's POV.

ZZZzzzZzzzzz.... Huh? I woke up. I opened my eyes and could only see white. I felt something on my face. Oh, I'm stupid. It was just a piece of paper. I looked around the room. (Y/N) wasn't there. "Oh no." This could NOT be good. I turned the paper over. There was some writing on it. I started to read it. "...Favorite place....crime scene... remember more resets.......just know that I love you? Oh no. Oh no! OH NO. OH NO! She's not saying what I think she's saying. "Shit!" I jumped off of the bed and quickly stepped down the stairs. I saw Paps cooking spaghetti like always. It looked like he had just woken up. I hurriedly got my jacket on. "Paps, I'm gonna something. Ok?" Papyrus seemed confused. "Ok? Just be careful, brother!" "I will. Bye!" I felt around my neck to see if my locket was still on me. It was. I opened the door into what looked like a blizzard. I couldn't see a single thing. "(Y/N)?!" I called out for her, but she didn't come. "(Y/N)!" I attempted to make my way to the river person. I stumbled to get to them. When I got to them, my jacket was covered in snow. "Hello, Sans. I believe you are looking for (Y/N) right?" "Um, yes. Yes, I am! Did she come down here?" "Yes. Where would you like to go to look for her." She said to see her at her favorite place. Her favorite place was the castle view in Waterfall! "Please take me to Waterfall." They turned to face the waters. "We'll get in, lover boy!" I quickly got in. "She said that she doesn't want you to have to go through the RESETS anymore. She said that she doesn't deserve your love. If she didn't deserve your love, you wouldn't be here right now." Damn right. "She doesn't understand that I can live with the RESETS, but I can't live without her! I love her and I don't want her to do this!" They smiled. At least.. I think. It's really hard to tell. "You two care about each other too much." I didn't understand. "I beg your pardon?" They turned to see me. "You two would do anything to make the other happy. It's quite sweet. It reminds me of my old days." It dawned on me that they knew about the RESETS. " Hey, how do you know about the RESETS?" "I'd rather not say. It's a very long story. Let's just say that I was a lot like (Y/N) when I was younger," they answered. Interesting. While I was thinking about what they meant, the boat docked. "It's your time, Sans. Good luck." I hopped off of the boat and started running. "I'm gonna need it," I called back. Now... Time to convince my lover not to shoot herself.

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