Chapter Three

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  Ah, left off on a cliff hanger. Well I'm here to update, yay! :D

     After taking a moment to analyze the situation, you realized that it actually felt nice kissing him but you wanna know what felt better? Your hand on the side of his face, thats right you slapped the somewhat stupid brunette that was above you.

     You didn't mean to slap him hard but the next thing you know he was on the floor holding his face, "Oops" was your only thought. You did feel a bit bad though, "Im sorry! Are you ok?!" You get out of bed and sit next to him on the floor.

     "Aw (Y/n)-chan you're so mean! I grace you with a kiss and you slap me!" and his ego has returned,

     "Don't push it!" You glare at him, he backed up a bit. "But in all seriousness, thank you back there. I don't know what i would've done if you hadn't showed up." A tear swelled in your eye, not daring to fall. 

     "Its not a problem, it made me really mad when I saw them touching you to be honest." This sparked your curiosity, "Why though? You were shaking with anger back there, you gave such a murderous look that i got a chill."

      Oikawa seemed a little confused as to why he was that mad also, "I guess since you are Iwa-chans sister I just felt protective over you." Oikawa said that but something inside him was telling him that, that wasn't entirely true. But he decided to ignore it.

     "Oh." You felt a little disappointed at the response, "Thanks again." He waved it off,

    "Oh yeah, (y/n)-chan, I'm surprised that you didn't beat them up yourself! I mean, you are really tough and so is the rest of your family." Before you responded you debated in your head, should you tell him that its all an act? I mean, he does deserve an answer but should it be that? Maybe..just maybe he can be a person you can turn to. Even though he can be childish and have a giant ego, he showed you today that he can be kind and reliable.

     Welp, you had to tell someone at some point so why not now? "To be honest Oikawa, I just act tough. I get my feelings hurt easily and startle easily but...everyone in my family is so strong, so i have to be right? W-When i started studying aboard, I saw the world it was beautiful yet terrifying. Probably the worst part was no matter where you go its all just terrible. No where on earth is just peaceful and safe, people are rude and violent. I learned this and I am honestly terrified of humans in general. I never have many friends...the mere thought makes me laugh. I don't trust people and the few i have, they have just destroyed any trust i had and then if i try to open up I'm reminded that this family is thought of as strong and highly  respected  because of that so i just go back to acting cold." 

      You looked at Oikawa, to see he was blubbering, "Whaa "(y/n)-chan thats so sad!!" He practically tackled you to give you a hug, which resulted in you being squished under him since his force made you two fall on the floor but he just kept hugging you and crying, you chuckled a bit and returned the hug; feeling the same safeness you felt earlier, it was nice. 

     Oikawa stopped crying and said seriously, "(y/n)-chan, even though we just met, you can talk to me about this stuff ok? Ive known your brother all my life and he is actually feels  bit of the same. So you can count on me! I can be your friend!" You smiled, feeling like you can finally trust someone.

  It feels nice to have someone to count on...


Hey guys! 

Thanks for Reading and waiting so patiently!! <333

Also, part of what i wrote was how i feel, I am terrified of the world; I don't understand why we can't just be peaceful?? I live in Texas and if you haven't seen the news yet, a man has sniped and killed five police officers and injured seven. I live close to where it happened and this news scared me deeply, the man said he did it because of the recent shooting of black people and trust me, i hate that the police killed those innocent people because of their skin color but violence should not be treated with more violence, this will just grow and grow and before you know it; so many people could be killed just by stepping outside of their house. 

I hope you like the chapter! Ill try not to take so long with the next one! 

Am i moving this to fast? Please inform me if I am! :)


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