Chapter One

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  "Class, please welcome our new student Iwazumi (f/n)." The room filled with murmurs as the girl walked into the classroom. Flowing hair and piercing eyes, Oikawa was breath taken. But the the realization hit, 'Iwazumi'.

    "Iwa-chan doesn't have a sister so how...?" He eyed the girl as she moved to the back of the class, not bothering to tell the class about her self; every one new tended to do that. 

     Throughout class, Oikawa's mind filled with questions and he watched her, she noticed after some time and gave him a menacing glare. She seemed a lot like his hot-headed friend thats for sure.


      Oikawa gathered his things quickly and watched as new students gathered around you. You waved most of them off, not wanting attention. He left the classroom fast to find his friend.

      "IWA!!!!" He yelled half way down the hall, grabbing everyones attention including said male, an irk mark appeared on his forehead. Instead of hitting him, Iwazumi let it slide this time.

      "What do you want dumbass?" A chill went up Oikawa's spine as Iwazumi glared.

      "That mean Iwa-chan!!!! But that's not what I came for, there is a new girl in my class, have you heard of her?" Iwazumi stiffened at the boys words but said nothing. Oikawa had his rare menacing look plastered on his face,

     "Her name sound a lot like yours Iwa. Care to explain?" Iwazumi 'tch'ed then sighed.

     "Of course she had to be in your class of all people, but yes, I know her. She is my sister."

     "WAHHH! Iwa-chan!! How could you not tell me you had a sister!! Aren't we best friends?!" Iwazumi kicked him as Oikawa fell to the floor; fake sobbing and clinging to his leg.

     "When did I say we were friends?!?"

     "SO RUDE!!!!" As more screaming filled the halls, the pair of boys didn't realize that a certain girl was watching their stupid behavior, already getting annoyed at her brother and slowly starting to despise the brown haired fellow. A thought of doubt lingered in her head as the couldn't help but find him annoying yet very...interesting.


        As the day went on, Oikawa found Iwazumi's sister more and more interesting. She ended up in most of his classes, but ignored him when he tried to talk to her.

       After changing into his practice clothes, he and everyone else filed into the gym. As he walked in, he couldn't help but notice that (f/n) was sitting in the stands, currently reading a book but she did look up for a split second, short eye contact shared between them.

      Throughout the practice, the normal fan girls showed up, cheering him on. "Ugh. They're so boring...don't get me wrong; I like the attention but they act way to much around me and my decisions." Oikawa thought as one handed him a water bottle she bought. He put on the normal smile and noticed (f/n) giving him a curious look.

      "Excuse me ladies, but I would like to introduce myself to the new girl!" They sighed and whined but he walked away anyway. She was gathering her things while he walked over, he leaned close to her ear,

       "I don't think we have properly met?" She jumped and almost punched him. "Why were you so close to me? Its kind of rude to just talk into a strangers ear like that." You rolled your eyes at him.

        "Sorry~ I just wanted to introduce myself! Iwa-chan  never mentioned a sister!" You burst into laughter and he looked at you like a confused puppy.

         "You call him 'Iwa-chan'? That's hilarious! I should use that against him~" You bite your lip while a slightly evil twinkle appeared in your eyes. Oikawa's heart stopped for a split second seeing you like that, he was breathless.

          "So...would you like to see a movie or something on Saturday?" He got some-what of a lustful glint in his eyes, you responded with a glare.

          "I must decline your offer, I have heard things about you from Hajime and other people in this school and honestly; I want nothing to do with you." He glared slightly at you as you exited the gym, he never got rejected. He wasn't going to start now, guess he had to try harder. You will be his at some point, he thought of the idea in his head and it made him excited. ((A/N: I don't mean this in the wrong way!!!! 0-0))

         "This will be rather entertaining game~"


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Thanks for Reading! <3 Sorry it toke so long to write this! *^*

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