Hospital Again...

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Brianna's POV
"A Puppy !" i screamed as i see harry coming in with the puppy .
I kneel down cuz the puppy manages to get out harry's hand and then suddenly

The puppy comes onto my face and bites my nose !

Owwwww ! I let out a huge scream as i feel a huge pain on my nose .

"Are u okay?!" harry comes running towards me

"Harry my nose hurts . " i say touching it as afterwards i see blood on my fingers.

"Love we got to get u to the hospital now . " he says getting up and helping me get up as well

My nose feels weird .

We got out of the house . And went running to the car. We get in harry's black Audi car and rushed to the hospital .

"Here i have some napkins , Put in on your nose " harry says giving me the napkins

In takes us like 10 minutes there because harry goes faster than ever

Then suddenly i feel the napkins drenched in Blood .

"Harry" i say scared ..

What if i bleed to death here .

He turns around

"Don't worry were almost there "

Like a few seconds pass and we get there . Harry quickly parks and we rush out .

We go running to the emergency room .

"Yes ?" the receptionist says

"A dog bit her . Her nose is Bleeding a lot"

Then the lady Asked harry for some of my info

And all that stuff . Ya know.

Then they passed me to a room where there was a Doctor who checked my nose .

Harry's POV
I'm sitting outside waiting for Brianna . Worried sick .

Then a few minutes passed and she came out .

"You alright now ?" i said
Getting up from my chair .

"Yes . The dog just cut me with his teeth . And they cleaned my cut and now i have a band aid on my nose " She says making fun of herself at the end

"Well at least you're fine . I was scared to death. I thought u were gonna end up loosing you're nose or something" i say brushing my hair back with my fingers

"Oh God no. Good thing that didn't happen " she says making a weird face .

"Ehmm" the doctor who i didn't notice was there with us says

"Oh yeah . Thanks Doctor . " i say smiling at him

"Yeah no problem . She just had a cut. I was a a bit worried because she said a dog bit her and dogs can have rabies or any type of diseases but she was perfectly fine" he says smiling at putting his hand out for me to greet

"I'm doctor Jelson " he smiles
"I'm Harry" I smile back .

"Harry i'm hungry " brianna says interrupting

"Well nice to meet u doctor jelson. Thanks for everything " i smile and walk away with brianna

"Brianna you're just like N-" i say stopping myself...

I'm glad i stopped . i was about to say she reminded me of Niall back in 2011 when i met him .

She can't know that i know Niall .

Then my thought are interrupted by brianna .

"I'm just like who ? " she says furrowing her eyebrows

"Like my cousin Nataly .. She's always hungry " i make up a name at the too of my head quick

"Ohhh haha" she says smiling

And i smile back .

"I'll cook something for you when we get home" i tell her smiling

"But thats gonna take like 15 minutes harryyyyy" she whines like a little kid

"Okay Fine I'll take u somewhere to eat" i huff

"Yayyy thank u hazzy !" she giggles

Making me chuckle to Myself

It takes us 5 minutes to get to Taco Bell and i go to the drive through and order for her . And a Medium Soda for me , since i never drink it that much i'll drink some today .

It isn't healthy but just for today .

I get the food at the window and thank the girl .

"Have a good day" i smile as i drive off .

We drive back home and it's like about 22 minutes.

While we drive it gets sunny so i put my shades on .

Then it gets really quiet . and all i hear is Brianna's Burp ...

Ummm okayyy ... It's kinda disturbing but funny.

"Sorry ... Oops" she says blushing a bit .

"Its okay" i smile

"HARRY !" she yells

"What ? Whats wrong?" i say stopping because of the stoplight.
"We left the dog alone !" she widens her eyes

"I was so worried about you're nose i forgot about him . Poor thing"i say speeding up to get home faster .

The poor dog is alone . with no food at all .


In about a few minutes we finally get there .

Then we park and as soon as i do brianna opens the door and she runs out .

I hurry and follow her.

We get to my door and i open the door. Then Brianna suddenly stops .

"Harry it's sleeping " she says relieved. "oh okay good . but just in case let's check him " i say closing the door behind me .

"Or her" she says shrugging her sholders .

"Yup it's a He" she says looking at the dogs part.

"Even if u bit me , i still love u. It isn't your fault " brianna says smiling at the puppy sleeping in my living room floor.

"You're such a beautiful girl inside out" i tell her smiling at her

"Awww . Harry stop it. I just love animals and humans so much" she says giving me a silly smile .

"So do i" i silly smile back .

"Let's take it to the vet tomorrow so they check it and then to a dog spa" she says clapping all excited

"Dog spa? " i chuckle

"Yeah" she says

"They have dog spas? How amazing " i smirk

"Yepp . I know right" she giggles

"Well then we'll take it to the vet and then the dog spa tomorrow. But for now let's watch a movie or something " i say sitting down on the couch.

"Yayyy" she says taking her shoes off sitting next to me . and lying her head against my shoulder .

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