Next Morning

21 4 2

Brianna's POV

I Wake up realizing becky isn't here . she probably went to sleep at her house.

I sit up and feel pain in my back realizing that the doctor said not to move.

I look to the window the sunlight hitting my face heating it up

Then someone comes into my room .

It's Zayn ....


"Babe.. Calm down please" he says coming closer .

"Leave me alone " i start to cry

"Please" i beg ..

Why and how did he know I'm here...

He's been stalking me .

"Calm down " he says touching my leg

"What do you want from me " i say yelling on purpose ..

I hope someone comes in my room soon .

"I just wanted to see if you're alright... After i ran over you " he says passing his fingers through his neck

That son of a bitch ....

He ran over me

"I bet you did on purpose you bastard !" i scream at him with a strong look

"I didn't. Babe I'm sorry" he says sounding like a hypocrite .

"Stop calling me that ! I'm not your babe damn it !" i say in exasperation

"But you are. You're always going to be mine" he says kissing my forehead ...

"Don't touch me you Monster " i say pushing him away

"Baby . " he says touching my hair..

"Shut the fuck up" i say pushing him away

"HELPPPP!" i scream as then he covers my mouth and i Bite him

"Ow you bitch!" he says slapping me

"HELLPPPPPP!!" i scream louder

A doctor comes bursting in but zayn pulls out a gun and shoots him ..

"You're coming with me" he says disconnecting all my cables

But i start to move . "Don't move babe i might hurt you" he says sing songing

"You already hurt me enough . inside out ." i say harshly "Don't be so dramatic " he says as he starts to carry me but then i realize .. I CAN FEEL MY LEGS

I KICK AND PUNCH HIM and he let's go of me as he falls down on the floor grabbing his crotch ..


And i scream again for help

A nurse comes in and sees Everything. "Miss what happend?" she says wide eyed
"Just hurry and call for more help" i hurry her up and go outside to where everyone else is .


About 20 minutes the police finally comes

They arrest zayn for Murder .. And the doctors arrange me again with all the cables but this time in a new room .

(A week after)

I'm finally getting out the hospital today.

I'm waiting for Becky with Harry to arrive.

"Miss They have come to pick you up " a nurse comes in smiling

"Alright thanks " i smile as she nods in agreement

I get out the room and see Harry and becky standing there

"HARRY!" i yell and run towards him and he receives me with a hug

His cologne filling my soul..

"I missed you harry" I say like a child . "I missed you to Doll face " he says smiling

"I missed that nickname" i say smiling at him . "I miss mine . but you never call me that anymore " he says rolling his eyes but smirking .

"Oh well I'm sorry ... HAZZAA" i say kissing his cheeck

"Shall we go ?" he says smirking

"Yess please" i smirk too as we finally get out

(In the car)

"Becky have you told him" i tell her as she's next to me in the car

"Yea" she say drinking her Arizona

"Good" i smile

"Thanks harry" i smile at him as i look to the mirror in the car

"For what. I do it whole heartedly" he says giving me a understanding smile

"I love you hazzy"

"I like that name . bri-Bri" he says making up another nickname for me
We drop off becky at her parents house

Then after a few minutes we arrive at harry's house.

"Wanna watch A movie ?" he asks

"Sure " i take off my shoes

"You need anything ? Water ? Tea? Coffee ? Anything ?" he asks concerned

"Tea would be great" i smile.

"Tea it is " he says as he shakes his hair. Oh harry ..

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