I'll protect you

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Dreams were always bad for demigods. Always. Never once has a demigod had a pleasant dream. The dream was always the same for Midnight Krystall. Losing Nico. Nico has been her boyfriend for six months now and ever since they confessed their love for each other she's been having the same dream....

-Midnight Krystall POV-

'No! Get away from him!' I shout at the demon in front of me. I'd never seen anything like this one before. It had the body of a bear and the head of a dragon (idek just go with it) Though it was as big as an elephant and it could breath fire.

It was standing right in front of a limp and bloody son of Hades. I couldn't tell if he was breathing or not which only fueled my hate for the demon.

I whipped out my wand, being a daughter of Hecate, I had control over magic and mist.

I starting casting incantations at the beast but every time it would turn to golden dust, another would appear.

Finally I found myself standing over Nico and I immediately dropped down to my knees to check his pulse.

He gasped as I touched him. He gripped my arm tight and stared at me with cold eyes. 'You...c-could have...saved..m-me.'

And then he falls limp in my arms.

-Nico POV-

I wake up to the sound of screaming. Midnight's screaming. I quickly rush out of the cabin and into hers. The Hades and Hecate cabins are side by side and Hecate is at the end so I wouldn't expect anyone else to hear her. Her sister Lou Ellen left yesterday on a quest so now it's just her in there.

I walk over to her bed and put my hand on her shaking form. She jolts up with a scream and I see her Ruby colored eyes stare at me with concern.

"Nico! You're alive!" She throws her arms around me and starts crying.

I sit on the edge of her bed and wrap my arms around her. "It's okay Mid. I'm here, you're fine." I run my free hand through her hair and she calms down. She pulls back and wipes her eyes with the back of her hand.

"I'm sorry I woke you up Nico. It's...it's the dream again." She says sadly, concern filling her eyes.

"It's okay. You want me to stay the night with you?" I ask. She nods and I kiss her forehead.

She looks up at me and pulls my neck down. She crashes her lips against mine with a sense of urgency. I put my hands on her waist and pull her on me so that her legs are straddling me.

I run my tongue against her bottom lip but she doesn't open her mouth. I move forward so I'm laying over her with our chests smushed together. She gasps at my sudden movement and I quickly recapture her lips with mine.

The kiss is getting really heated whenever I hear a sound...

-Midnight POV-


Nico quickly scrambles off of me and we hear laughter coming from the doorway.

We turn to see none other than Leo Valdez holding a camera and laughing his head off.

"Oh my gods! That was too much! What in Hades did I just watch?! Holy Hera y'all were going to town with it too!" He says and continues to laugh.

"VALDEZ!!" Nico growls and Leo immediately stops.

"Uh-oh" he mumbles before taking off out of the cabin with Nico hot on his trail.

I giggle and lay back down on my bed, hoping the harpies aren't that hungry tonight.

This story is dedicated to: KittyCupcake861

Hope you liked it!

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