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I sighed, flicking the lights off, and walking to the front of the dark, empty bakery. I grabbed the keys from the counter, made my way to the see-though door. I flipped the sign from open to closed, before walking out the door, and closing it up behind me, locking it in the process. I slipped the keys into my pocket, and started walking my way up the bare sidewalk.

"Yes, okay, bye, father," I spoke into the phone, before hanging up and throwing it on the counter of the island in the middle of the large kitchen. I sighed harshly to myself, walking to the wall that had a bunch of keys hung up on it. I randomly grabbed one of the four car keys hanging. I walked into the hall, not caring that I left my phone on the table top of the island. When I was standing by the door, I started setting the lock and the alarm on it. 

I quickly type in the pass-code; '90201', before setting it for ten seconds for it to set. My father had set that code when he was in the faze of being obsessed with the American television show, 90201. I have no idea what the show was even about, I think it was like a bunch of stupid drama in California, Beverly Hills. I think the area code to the town was that number, but to be honest, I don't know, and I don't care.

I made my way over to large garage that had the cars in it. Before I made my way in I heard a small 'beep-beep' from the door that I just came from, signaling it locked, and the alarm had been set. I walked inside the garage, and pressed the unlock button on the keys. I heard the 'click-click' noise come from the random car I had picked from thr random keys. It was the one of my father's favorites.

I sighed, getting into the right side of the car, and put the key into the ignition. Once I started the car, I looked up to see the automatic garage opener clipped on the wing on the top of the inside of the car. I pressed opened and watched it slowly open to see the dark outside world, the only light are from the moon and the light poles on the side of the road.

Once it was fully open, I put the car in gear, and started driving forward. I stopped just enough so I can close it. When it closed, I pulled out of the drive-way, and started making my three long hour drive to London.

I heard a large cracking noise from behind me, as I was walking. I stopped for a second, waiting in the silence for a while to see if I heard anything else, and to see if the cracking noise was just my imitation. After a minute nothing happened so I started walking again. 

I had to admit, I was quite frightened for a little, I never really liked walking at night, let along hearing a sound that could be the death of you. I have always been afraid of what's in the darkness lurking. Silly, I know, but I have had the fear since childhood, and never seemed to over grow it. I'm not ashamed of it ether, because I know a lot of people have a fear if the dark in the same or different ways.

I heard another large crack, but this time it sounded closer an louder. My eyes winded as I stood frozen, unable to do anything. I felt tiers start to build up in my water line, because I don't want to die. I'm afraid of death in so many ways, because I don't believe in the after life stuff, I feel like when you are done, you're done, and not coming back. 

I heard another crack, and that's when I snapped out of the trance I was in, and broke out into a run. I ran like I never ran before. Faster then I ever though I could go.

I slowly lowered my foot onto to break petal, as I came to a red light. Even though their was no one on the streets driving, I wanted to find  one of my cd's to listen too. Once I fully came to a stop, I changed the gear to park, so I could take my foot off the break petal, and look in the back for the cd. 

I reached myself back, looking though all the cd's, until I found one of mine, and sat back normal again. I took the cd out of the plastic case, and threw it carelessly in the back. I put the cd in the player, and turned it up loud. I put the gear back to drive, and started singing along.

I felt myself huffing and puffing loudly as I kept running, afraid to look back. I knew this was bad for my asthma, and I should stop right there, and take a puff of my inhaler, but I was too afraid of stopping, thinking someone would get me. 

All I could hear was my shoe covered feet clacking across the sidewalk, making some of the earlier rain on the ground get splashed up at my legs, and my fast pumping heart beat, beating though my ears. I wasn't even caring, or thinking of the large puddles of rain and dirt that I was stepping in, that is making my old, ratty shoes even more ruined. I was just running like their was no tomorrow.

When the red light turned green, I took my foot off the break petal, and pressed it down on the gas. I was singing along loudly to the blasting music. I started putting more pressure on the gas petal, making the wheel's turn faster. I bobbed my head to the music, and took one hand off the steering wheel, and made the music louder. 

I turned the corner on the street, almost making myself slip on the water, and fall, but caught myself before I could. By this time, I could see my flat coming up in the distances. My lungs felt like they were about to fall out, my heart felt like it was going to hop out of my chest, and my legs felt like they were going to detach from my body any minute. 

I could feel the booming of the music vibrating the car. I was practically shouting the lyrics to the song jamming. My finger were drumming violently against the steering wheel. I wasn't even realizing, I was starting to run a red light.

I finally got to my door, and stopped, rushing to grab my flat keys from my pocket, and fumbling with them to get them in the lock. After turning to key, I ran into my flat, grabbing the key, shutting the door, and locking it behind me. I dropped my keys on the floor not caring, as I pushed my right hand into my coat pocket feeling around for my inhaler. I started panicking when I didn't feel it. I started to search in my other pockets of my jacket, and my old jeans. All that was running though my head was, 'I'm going to die', 'I dropped my inhaler', and 'I'm going to fucking die, oh my fucking god'.

"Sweetie, you home?" I heard my mother call out. I ignored it, still trying to find my inhaler, breaking deeply, trying to keep breathing. I was gasping for air, as tears were clouding my vision. I felt my legs give out from under me as I hit the ground with a thud. 

"Oh my God! Harry!" Was the last thing I heard, before I saw it all go black.

I heard the faint sound of a loud truck horn over the blasting music coming from the speakers of the car, before I seen a white light of the head-lights of huge truck, speeding toward me. My eyes widened, needing to do something, but it was already too late, before it all went black.


Dedicated to LemonGirl11, because her story's are absolutely amazing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2013 ⏰

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