
Turning his gaze from Cam, Hamish took pity on Reid who had hung back further. “She is being well looked after. Isla was with her for the first few hours. Before the midday meal they were joined by Aislinn, Edine and Minna. They have asked for a few things that were not in the cottage, but all routine. Nothing to note at the moment.” Only he was proved wrong only seconds later. When the cry of a new born pierced the air. Most of the women released a breath that seemed to have been held forever. Whereas the males were surprised to stillness by the sound.

It was a few minutes before they moved, the women already dispersing, knowing those who remain would spread the news after they found out the sex and how Adair was doing. Cam through his arm around Reid’s shoulder nudging him towards the door. “Should we not go welcome your bairn to the clan?” Reid was shaking slightly, they all knew that even though they could hear the bairn, something could have happened to Adair. They would not know until one of the women came out or if they went in. And as some of the strongest warriors in the clan, they would not show how it scared them the thought of losing yet another woman to childbirth. They were taught to protect their women and children from an early age. Only this was something they could never protect them from. They put their women into God’s hands each time, and sometimes he decided their time on earth was over.

Isla had told him after his mother’s death, which God had decided the only job his mother could do better than being on earth as his mother. Was to become an angel. As an angel she could watch over all the children. Not just her own. That had made him feel better when he was younger. Now he knew the impact those deaths had on family units, and the men who felt they had failed in protecting their own.

As they neared the door Hamish pulled it open for them. Only Reid paused after stepping foot over the threshold. Cam could not see around him, however, the tension had left him. Slight movement to the left showed Adair been tended to on the bed, smiling but obviously exhausted. Aislinn was coming towards them after a whispered comment from Adair. Only the vision she created made Cam stop breathing. He did not want to lose that picture.

The bairn was cradled close to her body, wrapped up tightly. She seemed to glow, smiling so wide, he was sure it had to hurt. He had never seen her so happy or at peace. She looked right. Giving a gentle kiss to the bairn’s brow she tried to hand him over to Reid. The expression Reid held was one of awe and utter terror, so much so Cam had to chuckle. Which got him some stern glares from the women.

Aislinn managed to coax Reid onto the stool by the fire so she could show him the proper hold for the bairn. It transformed him as he held his bairn for the first time. Cam knew the feeling Reid had to have at that moment was exclusive and Cam would never know it until he too held his own bairn.

Cam couldn’t take the idyllic picture before him anymore, especially as Reid took his offspring over to his wife and the three completed a perfect picture together. He was man enough to admit to himself that he was jealous, only he would never admit that to anyone else...with the exception of one other. At that moment he managed to catch her hand. Pull her close, and whisper in her ear, “come with me, you have done your job. Let me look after you now.” Pulling a way she turned to face him.

Reaching out to place her hand on the side of his face, she tipped her head slightly to the side. “Isla may need me for something else.” He heard the reluctance in her voice, she was torn between her self-imposed duty and what she desired. He took the decision out of her hands, and went higher. “Isla,” he waited until she turned. “Would you mind if I stole Aislinn from you? Or would do you need her for anything else.”

“No, no you two go. I’ve got all the help I need here.” With a wave of her hand they knew they were dismissed. They were summarily ignored by everyone else in the small cottage. Pulling her behind him, shielding her with his body from anyone who meant her harm. He paused to whisper the news to Hamish, and knew that he and Edine would do the job of spreading the outcome of this birth.

Not giving a chance for anyone to stop them, he made a bee line straight for his horse. In a matter of moments he had her hoisted up and had swung himself up behind her. Nudging his horse they took off towards the Keep. As they reached the edge of the village they heard his men send out a war cry for their newest warrior. He came from a line of them on both his mothers and fathers side, he should become a fine man in their footsteps.

Changing his mind just before they reached the Keep he veered off the path and headed over to the small wood to one side of the Keep. It was only a small grouping of trees. Though it was rumoured that a great magic was held there. The clearing within was supposed to have held a sacred druid ceremony and none of the MacKay lairds had dared to bring the curse of the druids upon them. So those trees had stood and would stand for as long as they would no man would touch them.

Coming to a standstill at the edge of the clearing they both took in the atmosphere of the place. The magic was in the very air. It was like stepping into another time. The light created by the setting sun dappled the ground in reds and oranges and deep long shadows in between. Aislinn had not said a word about the change in direction, but the vision in front of her stole her breath.

It was a feeling of coming home. She knew this was an important place, which she would need to find out its origins at some point. Waiting as Cam swung down, she took in the hardy flowers that had managed to survive this far, but in a couple of weeks would disappear.

Snapped out of the enchantment held in this place by Cam’s hands upon her waist. Her eyes could not leave his as she turned in his direction. It was beyond any feeling she could take. It all felt so right, without realising it a tear made its way silently down her cheek.

Wiping it away with his thumb, he knew exactly how she felt. He did not completely understand his need to show her this place. Many feared it and even those who were not superstitions kept their distance. Here he felt connected to something that only awakened inside himself when he was in this place.

Only he had something to ask and he wanted to make sure all of him was in agreement before the words passed his lips.

“Thank you Cam. This place is wonderful, and so peaceful. It seeps into your very bones.” He let her walk off into the centre of the circle and made sure no one else was in the vicinity. He could simply watch her forever. The light and shadow playing over her in a show he would never want to miss. Turning towards him she held out her hand and he was helpless to resist.

Pulling her into his arms, he could last no longer. With his lips by her ear, he took a breath. “Aislinn. I know we have not known each other long. But everything I have done since I found you, possibly even before. Has all been with you in mind. Put me out of my misery, please. When the next priest comes to stay at the clan, marry me?”

Highland Dream (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now