~Chapter 12~

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"Good morning, Alois." Kristen drew the young Earls curtains as a groan of displeasure came from the lump under the covers.

"Today, we have some cinnamon waffles with bananas, strawberries and blueberries, drizzled with honey. We also have Rosewill tea."
"Give me, 5 minutes." Alois moans as he buries his face into his pillow, pulling the blankets closer to himself.
"Do you wish for what happened last time to reoccur?" Kristen teased.
"No!" Alois shot up "Not at all!"
"Very well, do you wish for me to fetch Claude to dress you?" Kristen poured Alois' tea.
"No, he's probably busy anyways." He sighed and got up from his bed, allowing Kristen to dress him and then chomping down on his breakfast.

~At the Phantomhive Manor~

"Wake up, my lord." Ciel heard a female voice speak.
"My lord, do awaken." The voice changed slightly, becoming deeper.
"My lord!" Sebastian spoke, awakening Ciel.
"Today, we have a breakfast consisting of french toast, with a side of fruit, scones or a waffle, we also have Earl Grey tea." Sebastian spoke as he began dressing Ciel. Ciel couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart when Sebastian mentioned waffles. If only he'd of not been so pushy, then Kristen would still be here. He didn't want anybody to see weakness in him, so he just nodded and began drinking his earl grey.
"You have nothing on the agenda today, bug we do have a letter..." Sebastian smirked as he pulled a letter from the inside of his suit jacket "from the Queen."
"Give it here." Ciel demanded as he grabbed the letter opener inside the drawer beside his bed. Ciel's eyes quickly scanned the writing on the paper.

Dear Guard Dog...

I found a new type of tea and let me tell you it is absolutely divine. How are you doing anyway, Ciel? I made pie with Phillip the other day and they were very tasty. But onto more important matters, I need you to solve another case. You will be working with my Spider, and also my Tiger. I trust for you to be able to solve this case.

Yours Faithfully, Queen Victoria.

"Hmmm, The Queens Tiger. Sebastian, i order you to find out anything you can about the queens tiger. And i want it done quickly." Ciel ordered Sebastian, who bowed in response.
"Very well, my lord." He spoke in a silky smooth voice with a cunning smirk.

~At the Trancy Manor~

Alois was reading his letter from the Queen when a knock on his study door caught his attention.
"Enter." He shouted out to the person on the opposite side.
"Good afternoon, Alois. I wish to tell you I will be returning to the Phantomhive Manor shortly because I feel like I can not keep running away from my problems." She sighed as she closed the door and walked towards Alois' desk.
"But... We were having so much fun, Silver." He sniffled as tears pooled in his eyes. Kristen sighed and kneeled down in front of the platinum blonde.
"Alois, you have been a great host and given me great hospitality. I thank you for that, but my job is at the Phantomhive Manor where my brother is. Please, forgive me. I'll be sure to visit every once in a while." She smiled as the boy wrapped his arms around Kristen's shoulders.
"Thank you, Silver." He sniffled as he pulled away and wiped his eyes.
"It's not a problem. I'm sure that You and my young lord will have a case together soon. So until then, I bid you farewell." She pet his hair as she stood and walked out of his study. Leaving the distraught child alone.

As Kristen made her way towards the entrance, she spotted Claude and remembered the servants.
'I must say goodbye to them aswell.' She thought as she began walking towards Claude. She didn't necessarily hate Claude, but she didn't like him either. Her sort of reminded her of a Tsundere, seeing as he never really showed any emotion except for the occasional smirk.
"Hello, Claude. I wish to say goodbye as I am leaving to go back to the Pahntomhive manor." She smiled at Claude, being near enough the same height as him.
"Very well. Do not get into too much trouble." His emotionless voice spoke. Kristen nodded and walked off to find the Triplets. Within a few minutes she found them in the garden. When she coughed slightly, the triplets attention was on her. She gave them a warm smile and told them that she was leaving. Thompson, Canterbury and Timber began whispering to eachother.
"We wish you good luck, Kristen." Spoke Thompson as he gave her a small kiss on her left cheek.
"Don't forget us, Kristen." Smiled Timber as he gave her a kiss on her right cheek.
"Never." She whispered to the plum haired male.
"Visit soon." Canterbury nodded to you and kissed your forehead.
"Thank you very much. I will be sure to visit you all soon." She smiled as she began walking away as she heard the Triplets whispering some perverted things.
'Boys will be boys.' She chuckled to herself. She was cut from her thoughts as she heard a cough to her right. She turned and spotted Hannah giving her a cold glare. All Kristen did was smirk, knowing it would annoy the lilac haired maid.
"Oh, hello Hannah. I am leaving now, so I wish for you to keep the Manor in order while I am back at mine." She teased the maid. As she began walking away. Hannah spoke in a threatening tone.
"I swear if you ever, come back here, I'll kill you."
"Oh Hannah. I'd like to see you try you silly demon. I am so much more powerful than you. How does it feel to be a flower demon, huh?" Smirked Kristen as she walked away from a stunned, but furious, Hannah.

~At the Pahntomhive Manor~

There was a knock on the door while Ciel was in his study with Sebastian.
"Sebastian, see who is at the door and bring them up." He ordered as he went back to filling out paperwork for the new toy her was producing.
"Very well, my Lord." Bowed Sebastian as he exited his study. As he approached the door, Kristen's scent wafted through the entrance as he swung open the door to see a smiling Kristen.
"Sebastian!" She grinned as she swung her arms around his neck.
"Welcome back, Kris." He smiled. "The young Lord has missed you very much."
Kristen rolled her eyes.
"Of course her has. Probably wants to shout at me some more and get me to tell him about my time in Hell."
Sebastian chucked as they began walking towards Ciel's study.
"He was probably curious. You know how children can be."
"Hmmm, you have a point." She smiled, but it didn't last long when she began feeling dizzy and having this pain in her gut.
'Oh no.' She slightly panicked, but sighed when she realised he it wouldn't be possible for him to come here.
"Are you okay?" Sebastian asked as he saw her stumble.
"Yes, I am perfectly fine, dear brother." She smiled as she ruffled his hair, making it messy. When she saw the look Sebastian was giving her, she chuckled and fixed his hair. It was at that moment she realised they were at Ciel's study. Sebastian knocked softly and entered when he heard the word 'enter.'
"Sebastian, who was at the door." He demanded, but stopped when he saw Kristen emerge from the door way.

Amelia: I am so so sorry for not updating! I feel terrible. I've had to work a 6 week project for my science class. Please do not hate me >.< I'm still looking for a co-author if anybody is interested.

Sebastian: I'm sure they don't hate you, M'lady. They're probably just a little disappointed that you failed to update the story.

Amelia: Great way to make me feel better, Bassy.

Sebastian: It's okay, Mimi.

Amelia: You do not you little -

Kristen: we hope you enjoyed.

Sebastian & Kristen: *Shouts and curses*

Hɪs Sɪsᴛᴇʀ [Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Bᴜᴛʟᴇʀ] (On hold and under Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang