~Chapter 8~

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(A/N) this is just a quick note. I have decided to change Ciel and Alois to their usual ages.

At around 7:30, Kristen made her way the the young earls bed chambers and woke him up, while holding his breakfast. Claude had returned an hour ago, claiming that His Highness wanted something doing.

"Alois." Kristen cooed softly, knowing that the bipolar child might be mad at being awoken.
"Mhmhmm." Alois mumbled into his pillow. Kristen smirked and shook him again.
"Wake up, Alois."
"MhmSilvermmm." He mumbled again. Kristen sighed as she began setting his breakfast out. When she had done that, she looked towards the bed to see Alois still 'asleep.' She sighed and walked to the end of the bed, grasping the corners of the fabric that covered him and yanked it away from the bed, making Alois let out a small noise of annoyance and shoot up.
"Kristen, you fool! I can't believe you'd do that!" Alois shouted, and him still being half asleep, shouted some strange insults.
"I will feed you to my demon chickens!" Was his first insult.
"I'll have Claude castrate you!" Was his second.
"You need to be slapped, with a d-ck!" Was his third one, which surprised Kristen.
"There's a problem with your face, I can see it!" He screamed one last insult, which Kristen wanted to laugh at because it was terrible.
"Oh, I'm sorry Alo- Your Highness, I guess I'll go back to my brother." She frowned, but was smirking in the inside. Alois, being too angry, shouted at her to go, and that he didn't care what she did, so that's what she did. As she exited the room, she smirked when she heard Alois gasp in realisation. She walked down the hall until his door swung open and he called her name.
"Kristen, please come back!" He wailed as he fell to his knees. Kristen put her sad face back on and turned to the child.
"But you told me to go, so I am leaving, your highness." She replied. Alois cried and ran up to her.
"Silver, please, Silver! Don't leave me!" She clung onto her, putting his head on her stomach, as he was not tall enough to reach her chest, and sobbed into it.
"Well, you insulted me, your highness., she smirked, because Alois could not see her.
"Please, silver I'm sorry! Please don't leave! I love you!" He shouted attracting the attention of the triplets. They smirked at her, nodding for her to go on and entertain them, their eyes flashing fuchsia. Kristen smirked back with a nod. Putting on her sad face, she slowly pulled Alois away and walked to the triplets.
"I'm sorry Your highness," Alois felt a pang in his chest when she didn't refer to him as Alois "but your hurt me, and I'm not sure if I can forgive you." She frowned as she stood next to Canterbury. Kristen gave him a small nudge, indicating for him to play along a bit, so he complied and wrapped an arm round her waist as he was slightly smaller than her.
"KRISTEN PLEASE!!!" Alois screamed and fell to the floor. Kristen turned and gave Canterbury a kiss on the cheek, along with Timber and Thompson, and then made her way over to the crying platinum blonde.
"Do not worry, Alois, I am right her." She smiled and lifted him into her arms and took him back to his room, luckily it was just a fruit breakfast and nothing got cold.
"I'm sorry, silver." He whimpered as he buried his head into her chest, scrunching up her tail coat in his fingers.
"Do not worry, Alois, I'm right here." She smiled as they entered his room.

~Time Skip At the Phantomhive Manor~

Ciel was stressing without Kristen. His breakfast had not been his usual but different selection of pastries, he didn't have any of his newly favourite tea, as Sebastian couldn't correctly make it, and everything was just a disaster.

"I want Kristen back." Murmured Ciel, like the child he is as he layed his pen on his desk after he had finished his paperwork. He checked the grandfather clock in the corner of the room.
"Hmmm... 1 hour till the ball, time to get ready." He sighed as he called for Sebastian to change him into his outfit for tonight.

After around 30 minutes, there was a knock on the door and Sebastian proceeded to open the door.
"Welcome, Lord Trancy, Claude Faustus and Kristen." He faked a smile to the two guests and made the one towards his sister real. She was still in her uniform as she gave him a large hug.
"Hey Seb." She spoke with her head buried in the side of his neck.
"Hey Kris." He hugged her back and buried his head into her hair. Sebastian would never show this type of affection to anybody else, except for his beloved sister.
"Silver, I am going to look around." Alois spoke as he walked towards her, she hadn't noticed Ciel had entered the ball room.
"Okay, Alois." She smiled as Alois gave her a hug. She returned it and lightly petted his hair. He pulled away and began walking away. Ciel cleared his throat from behind her. Kristen turned and saw Ciel standing there in a Navy blue and black outfit.
"Good evening, my Lord." Kristen spoke as she bowed.
"Hello, Kristen." Ciel spoke coldly, confusing the female butler. What got his eyepatch in a twist?
"Do you need assistance in anything?" She questioned her young Lord.
"No, I do not. But i would like you to meet me in my study in 10 minutes." Ciel spoke as he turned and walked away.
"Yes, My Lord." She bowed and turned towards her brother.
"Don't ask, I don't know what has his eyepatch in a twist." He chuckled at the dumbfounded look on his sisters face.
"Well at least I'm not fantasising about cats." She retorted and Sebastian froze, giving his sister a glare.
"So, Claude," Kristen started "what was it that Alois wanted you to do?"
"I do apologise, but that is something in which I don't wish to discuss." He replied, emotionless as usual.
"Okay, I'll just Alois." She faked a smile and checked her pocket watch in which was tucked away safely in the breast pocket of her tailcoat.
"Looks like I need to see the young Lord now, I will speak to you later. Claude, please help out when guests start arriving." Kristen instructed as she began walking the her young lords study.

When she got there, she knocked a small tune and she heard a faint 'come in.'
"You wished to see me, My Lord." She questioned. Ciel couldn't help but feel jealous that she called that Trancy brat by his first name, and 'Silver', was that some sort of nickname?
"What happened while you were at the Trancy manor." Ciel got straight to the point.
"Nothing. I helped Alois to bed, he had a nightmare, I helped a bit with the case, put him back to sleep, awoke him and dressed him for the ball while Claude got the carriage and such ready." She informed her Lord. "May I ask why, My Lord?"
"I do not have to Justify why I asked the question." He spoke coldly.
"Yes, My Lord, is that all?" She questioned. She knew that Ciel wished to ask her something, so she decided she'd use her 'sad' act again. So she put a sad face in.
"Yes, you may lea-" Ciel cut himself of when he saw her sad state.
"Okay, I will see you during the ball, My Lord." Kristen kept the act up, keeping her voice low and void of any trace of amusement.
"Wait, Kristen, call me Ciel." The young bluenette spoke shyly.
"Is that an order." Kristen smirked.
"Yes!" Ciel rose his voice, but then noticed the smirk on her face and, then realising he had been tricked, scowled at her.
"Very well, Ciel." She got onto one knee, placing her hand over her heart and bowing her head. She lifted her head from that position when she heard Ciel's light footsteps. Ciel stood in front of her with a look of, adoration, in his eyes?
"Kristen," Ciel spoke, but stopped himself and tightly pressed his lips onto hers. Kristen, being shocked that CIEL was kissing her, slowly kissed back. Ciel pulled away, panting as he tried to get air to his lungs while Kristen stood, towering over the blushing bluenette.
"Well, I guess I should go and help with the preparations." She smirked at the small, blushing child as she turned and walked out. Before she closed the door, she turned to Ciel.
"Remember, Ciel," Kristen started.

"You look cute when you blush~"

(A/N) Hello! I do hope you enjoyed this chapter. This has a bit of Ciel fluff, but I know that Ciel isn't one for being forward so it was kinda awkward. Anyway, please give me some feed back. Criticism is always helpful.
               Have a good life~

Hɪs Sɪsᴛᴇʀ [Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Bᴜᴛʟᴇʀ] (On hold and under Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant