I sat down on the couch in the living room and set the smoothie on the end table for the moment while I got ready to feed Finley. I pulled a blanket over myself and fed her. While she was eating, I picked up the TV remote and flipped through Netflix. I settled on the latest episode of Revenge, then started sipping on my smoothie while I watched and fed Finley.

(I really didn't want to explain the details, so we'll just say she was feeding baby Finley.)

By the time Finley finished, the episode wasn't even half way over. I hadn't even finished my smoothie. I set her in my lap and fixed my shirt, then continued watching my show. After a few episodes, Kazuto came out of the bedroom holding Miles. He sat down next to me and kissed me on the cheek. 

"Good morning, handsome.", I said with a smile.

"Good morning, gorgeous.", Kazuto chuckled, leaning his forehead against mine and looking into my eyes.  

I smiled and blushed. Kazuto snaked an arm around me and pulled me close, bringing my lips to his and kissing me deeply. I smiled into the kiss and put a hand on the side of his face, pulling him closer. Just as we were really starting to get into it, both Finley and Miles squealed, almost angrily to get our attention. I let go of Kazuto and looked down at the twins.  

"Innocent eyes, here, Asuna. Gah! Keep things PG!", Kazuto teased.

"Oh, shut up. You started it!", I laughed.

"Yeah, right! You totally grabbed me and had your hands all over me. I guess that figures. I am irresistible.", Kazuto mused sarcastically. 

I laughed and pushed his shoulder. When we both stopped laughing, it was because Miles had begun crying. I sighed and swapped Miles for Finley, then got up to go get the bottle from last night, which was in the fridge. When I sat back down, I started feeding Miles and continued watching Revenge. My smoothie was almost gone, so I took it and gulped the rest of it down. 

Kazuto draped an arm around me as we watch and Miles ate. When the bottle was empty, I set it down on the end table and pulled Miles up to my shoulder with a burp rag and started patting his back. He spit up a little bit, but that was what the burp rag was for, so it was no big deal. I wiped his chin and then laid him back down on my lap.

When the episode finally ended, I put Miles back over my shoulder and walked into the kitchen to make Kazuto breakfast. I pulled out the bread and put a few pieces in the toaster, pressing the lever down. I pulled the butter out of the fridge and set it on the counter with a butter knife, then waited for the toast to finish toasting. I thought about how funny it was that a toaster was basically a tanning bed for bread. I laughed out loud at this thought and Miles jumped at my sudden laughter.

"Oh, did I scare you, sweet pea? I'm sorry, baby.", I laughed as Miles looked around with a bewildered expression.

Kazuto walked into the kitchen with Finley in his arms. He walked over to me and smiled at the look on Miles' face.

"What's so funny?", he asked.

"I was just thinking how toasters a tanning beds for bread.", I chuckled.

Kazuto looked at me with blank expression for a moment, then he busted out laughing. I laughed with him until my sides hurt, then I finally composed myself. Both Finley and Miles were looking around confused. I just smiled at them. 

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