"Uh, let me try that again." Jerry pushed the other button and the saucer then started to take off.

"Isn't there a manual for this thing?!" Brittany asked.

Tom and Jerry drove which made the saucer hit a few buildings like in a pinball machine until they flew out of orbit of Mars. The Martians then got into their saucers and started to chase after them.

"Where is the stupid manual for this thing?!" Brittany screamed.

"I don't care, someone just drive!" Alvin yelped.

"I'll do it!" Patch volunteered before start piloting it.

They were now going through space and coming into contact with several asteroids.

"Easy... Easy..." Patch told himself.

"Poor Peep." Eleanor frowned to the poor Martian who was still knocked out cold.

"Uh-oh, um, someone might wanna wake her up." Robyn said.

"Hey, wake up!" Tom gently shook the female martian.

"What's that noise...?" Peep slowly woke up and looked out to see them flying through the asteroids. "Oh, an asteroid field...." she then went back to sleep before doing a double take. "AN ASTEROID FIELD?!"

"Is that bad?" Patch asked.

"YES, THAT'S BAD!" Peep exclaimed.

"Oh, um, sorry." Patch chuckled nervously.

Peep shoved him out of the way as she took the controls this time. "Remind me to never let you drive again!"

"Noted." Patch said.

Peep drove up, down, and around and dodged all the asteroids with ease.

"Yes! Nothing can stop us now!" Darla cheered.

Alvin shuddered.

"You okay?" Amber asked.

"Just got a chill down my spine." Alvin srhugged

Just then, the engine to the saucer turned off.

"Oh, come on!" Peep groaned as she kicked the control panel.

The other saucers were now passing them and headed straight toward Earth.

"Oh, my.... Where's Kim Possible when you need her?" Darla asked before hearing someone tap on the outside of the saucer.

The kids and animals looked out to see the teen hero that they all knew very well.

"Kim Possible!" Darla beamed.

"Kids? How did you and your animals get to the size of mice?" Kim asked in her space suit.

"Uh, I may have something to do with that." Patch chuckled nervously.

"Alright, how we gonna do this?" Ron asked Kim.

"I guess give them a jump start." Kim shrugged.

"How?" Ron asked.

Rufus looked curious.

"We gotta get the engine a power boost." Peep said.

Rufus whispered to Ron.

"Their engine needs a boost." Ron said to Kim.

"All right then, let's do it." Kim said.

Right." Ron nodded.

"Don't worry, guys, help is on the way." Kim promised.

The kids and animals looked to each other curiously.

Blast off to MarsWhere stories live. Discover now