"Don't worry, your majesty, I've got ya!" Patch called out before using his magic to save the king by teleporting him to his throne.

"Oh, thank you, my friend." the king smiled to the puppy.

Patch smiled back and bowed. "My pleasure, sir."

Patch's magic was quite a surprise for the martians.

"I meant to do that..." the king smiled sheepishly at his fault.

"Of course you did, sire." Patch bowed.

"We present to you the Great Gloop," Grob told the king about Jerry. "The one spoken about in the Ancient Scrolls and these other creatures are his followers, we presume."

The king observed Jerry and took a closer look before smiling. "You are correct, Grob, it is he, the Great Gloop!"

Jerry looked in slight disbelief.

"The Great Gloop has returned to us, huzzah!" the king praised.

The other martians cheered with him.

"Um, your majesty, would mind if I took a picture of you and your people?" Darla asked, showing her camera.

"A picture?" the king asked. "What is that device?!"

"It's called a camera; this is what humans use on earth to take pictures," Darla said. "Don't worry, these things aren't weapons."

"Uh, Darla, are you sure you should?" Penny asked.

"Oh, don't worry, Patch, I'm sure they won't mind." Darla smiled.

"Carry on, strange creature," the king replied, then planted a kiss on Jerry's cheek. "Let the celebration begin!"

All the martians cheered and where Darla started to take pictures of the king and all of his loyal subjects.

"I'm starved." Jerry looked eager to eat.

The Martians had their visitors gather at a table as they served silver canisters, and had dishes of... Purple squid like creatures that were still wiggling.

"Uh, what's this?" Theodore winced.

"Supper for all of you for bringing the Great Gloop to us!" one Martian replied.

"Um, yes, we understand that, but, um, what is the food that we're all going to eat?" Patch asked.

"If you don't want supper, maybe you'd like dessert?" one Martian offered, showing a sundae like plate with blinking eyes and offered a straw for them.

"What's wrong?" Peep asked her friends as she put her fork in a crawling tentacle entree and slurped it like spaghetti noodles. "Aren't you guys hungry?"

"Um, I'm sorry, but we're more into food we eat on Earth." Patch said before using his magic to make food from Earth appear.

The Earth creatures looked relieved and they happily dug in. However, the Martians seemed slightly disgusted in their chocies in food.

"Now you understand how we felt when we saw the certain food you have," Patch said before freaking out a bit when he saw a tentacle from the Martians' food move. "Is that thing alive?"

"Earth aliens..." Peep muttered under her breath as she continued to eat the moving food.

Patch winced before he joined the others.

"Hey, where'd Tom go?" Jeanette wondered.

"Eh, he'll find his way." Jerry shrugged before he stuffed his face with cheese.

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