Fate Cannot Be Changed

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Inspired by: "The Fish and The Ring" by Flora Annie Steel

"Nathalie,I want you to read my son's future"King Gabriel Agreste told the sorceress

"Yes,my lord.May I ask what his name is?"

"His name is Adrien"

"Ahh,Adrien.Meaning sea or water.Now,let us see what his future will be"She places her hand on the blonde child's forehead.Closing her eyes,images began to fill her head.Gabriel tapped his foot impatiently,looking at the sorceress and his 1year old son.

She opened her eyes slowly,and placed the child back in his crib.
"He is going to be great King.He will marry a peasant gir-"

"WHAT?!"Gabriel cut her off,angrily and surprised
"My son cannot marry a peasant girl!"

"But,My lord,it is fate"

"Where does this girl live?"

"Her name is Bridgette and she is born to the Cesaires"

"I will find this girl and make sure she doesn't live!"Gabriel stormed out of his child's room.

He rode on his horse,looking for the Cesaire's home.
"I can beat fate"He muttered

When he arrived,he saw a man on his porch in front of the Cesaire household,sobbing.

"What is wrong,my boy"The King asks.Although the King may be selfish,he is kind to his subjects.

"Good Day,My Lord.I'm distressed for my wife has bore another child,she was named Bridgette.But,we already have five children and we won't be able to support them all"The man said

"Give me your newborn child"The King demanded

The man nodded and his wife agreed.They gave him the little girl.She looked different from the rest of the family with Raven-colored hair,blue eyes,fair skin,rosy cheeks and freckles.Gabriel nodded at the parents and holds the child.Riding on his horse to the river,he held the child.

When he arrived,he threw the little child into the river.He then rode away,feeling no remorse.

However,Bridgette's dress made her float.As the river flowed stronger,she was carried with it.She was then stuck on a fallen branch,restricting her from drifting further away.

A baker's wife saw the little child while fetching water.She smiled,she and her husband has always wanted a child of their own.She picked the child up from the river and brought her to her husband.

"Wow,Sabine.Are you sure she isn't lost?"Tom asks

"No,she was all alone"Sabine says caressing the child's head

"Well,what should we name her?"Tom asks

"Let's name her...Marinette.It means of the sea.And I found her in the river"She says smiling at the child.

"Yes...Marinette"Tom smiles

Sixteen Years Later

A seventeen year old Marinette strolls through the streets.Boys and girls stare at her as she walks by.She was the most beautiful girl in the kingdom.Boys fell in love with her and girls envied her beauty and some looked up to her.
She held a basket in her hand and skilled to her home.

Her adoptive parents owned a famous bakery,she often helped with the chores.There are a lot of customers,most are boys.And some buy pastries just to see Marinette's beautiful face on the counter.

The bell rang as the door of the bakery opened.The King and his friends were patrolling the kingdom and decided to stop by the famous bakery.

The men walked towards the counter to see a girl.She smiled,bewitched by her beauty,a few of the men pulled on their collars.

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