Chapter Two \('-')/

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"(y/n), listen to me! ...please..." Lelouch says to you.

You could practically see the genuinly concerned look in his eyes which is odd for Lelouch. You responded with "Why are you here?"

"Because your sad, alone, and look terrible." He paused, "And I can't stand it..."

"Lelouch I.." Before you could finish you felt him wrapping a warm blanket around you and at that moment you realized how cold you actually were.

He pulled you close giving you a hug and in a soft voice asked you why you had all those cuts and bruises.

You hesitantly told him what had happened as you watched his face shift between anger and sympathy, listening intently the entire time.

When you were finished he simply pulled you closer and said, "(y/n) why didn't you ever say anything."

"I'm sorry I was just scared.."

"You don't have to be sorry, you don't ever have to be sorry. You of all people don't deserve this." He said sweetly.

You finally gave in and started softly sobbing into his chest. He didn"t object he just held you even closer and let you cry.

"Thank you Lelouch, I don't know what I'd do without you." You managed to say before crying again.

You two just sat there for a while in a peacful silence. Untill Nunnally called Lelouch worried since he was an hour late. He told you that he had to go but that he would be there for you any time no matter what.

You just sat on the roof thinking about what just happened and why he cared so much. It's not like it has anything to do with him. You were usually able to cover up the marks with your clothes or with makeup but you didn't even think about it, not expecting to see anyone for a while.

Either way Lelouch knew and probably won't leave you alone now. You'll just have to figure it out on Monday.

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