Chapter 7: Sky Drool and Swamp Frogs

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The quad scrambled down the weedy trail hoping to try their
sense of direction and find the red royal looking ship lying
lifelessly on an open plain field. Stella stuck by to Brandon
holding his hand and hoping next to him this time taking
precaution and keeping an eye on the trail. But having a palm
tree jump out at him and also be greeted on his delicate foot
by a raw coconut Riven of all people wasn't that happiest
little Vegemite around. he cavilled his way down the path
ahead of the trio, his head in the cloud not knowing where he
was headed...
"Riven! You idiot! Watch out!" Musa shrieked. But the bad-
tempered teenager kept trotting down the trail suddenly he
felt that is feet were sauntering in mid-air... with a blaring
bellow Riven collapsed into a tea green disgusting swamp.
"ewwwwww!" Stella squeaked of disgust and shadowed herself
behind the muscular brunette, who was biting back a chortle.
Even with a bleeding foot Stella did not appreciate being
around mud, dirt or any sort of revolting natural resource
that demolished her flare and style. after about 5 seconds a
clump of green hair rose out of the icky mush followed by a
seaweed covered face served with mud, moss and even a
grassy green frog had befriended the waspish specialist.
"hmmm...You should name him Cutie!" Musa giggled pointing
at the hideous green amphibian that was croaking gleefully
and clinging onto Riven's mild green hair.
"why cutie?!" Brandon question wiping away tears that
occurred because he prevented himself from laughing.
"Don't know, in Riven's eyes it seems to be cute..." Musa
shrugged nonchalantly suppressing a snicker.
"I would go with Fish..." Brandon smirked making Riven's face
go red but you couldn't really see because his entire face was
covered in swamp mush!
"why Fish-"
"oh just shut up!" Riven barked grabbing the frog off his
head and chucking it violently back to the swamp. The frog let
out a last "croa-" before collapsing into the disgusting tea
green goop that oozed out malodorous bubbles stuffed with
foul air.
"bye babe!" Musa called out to the no-where-to-be-seen frog
trying to imitate Riven's gruff, deep voice. The very cranky
bear known as Riven just rolled his eyes, continuing his way
town the path, leaving a trail of oozing goop behind him,
Which Stella rapidly jumped over, forgetting her injuries.
-back at the ship-
"this is so my fault! I shouldn't have let Flora and Helia go
with Tecna and Timmy! Now I have to suffer with you!" Aisha
grabbed her cheeks and stretched them down like you would
visualize in a cartoon.
"same goes for you bra-burner!" Nabu snarled crossing his
arms over his chest and facing the opposite direction to the
infuriated girl with foam at the mouth cracking her knuckles
about to murder the halfwit that enraged her.
"you pinhead! This is also your fault!" She hissed spitting in
the process. Aisha plunged off her seat and jolted towards
the chair facing it's back to her. She leaped onto it grabbing
the unsuspecting wizard by the neck. Both of them tumbled
onto the floor, wrestling each other like Tasmainian Devils.
-unknown room-
"your kidding!" Tecna squwaked mouth open gazing blankly at
the emerald green glowing fractal sitting secured to a heap
of oversized wires.
"no I'm not kidding!" Timmy rolled his eyes using his speedy
fingers to type on his IPad connected to the confusing high-
Tec computer glowing with buttons that activates random
parts if the ship.
"this is the main enery source! If we plug this in to the ships
engine we'll be off in less that 10 minutes!" Tecna pranced
around in delight forgetting they were suppose to find the
blonde prince and fiery red head princess getting frost
"Correct!" Timmy nodded continuing back to his digital
technology generator thingy.
"now we just need to take it out-" Tecna bit her tongue
leaning her fingers carefully towards the precious artifact...
"Tecna don't-" Timmy warned but too late the strawberry
haired technology fairy pulled a black thick plug...
-with Aisha and Nabu-
in a flat heartbeat the lights flicked out! it had gotten dark
and the starry beautiful night was now swarming with gloomy
dark clouds spitting out drops of rainwater at a rapid speed.
With the lights out of the ship the area was pitch black.
"just great! In the dark with a nincompoop like you!" Aisha
scoffed finally heaving herself off the choking and gagging
wizard who was being incessantly strangled to death.
a deafening crack of thunder and lightening illuminated the
dull sky, making the two Andros citizens bound in abrupt
-the quad-
"it's sky drool!" Stella moaned, the princess of Solaria did not
know much about rain because it never rained on her sunny
realm. she held her palms to her side in the shrugging manner
to feel the nippy raindrops break against her palm. The frigid
breeze whistled through the palm trees making the colossal
leaves on the tree susurrus.
"its called rain!?" Riven caviled. The wet weather made the
moss and seaweed slip greasily off his face, causing Musa and
Stella to keep a reasonably far distance away from him.
"Oh for heaven's sake, Riven stop act like...the ship!" Musa
howled in euphoria pointing frantically at the dark crimson
metal aircraft deposited on the grass and sand under the
drooling sky.
"I don't act like the ship?" The addled magenta haired
teenager gazing at the ground queried watching the raven-
blue haired music fairy race ahead of them, followed by the
perky blonde sun and moon fairy and brunette specialist of
before they were able to get into the enormous shelter it's
started raining cats and dogs...
"Ugh! Riven, you go and knock on the ships door!" Stella
grumbled standing under the weak shelter of a tree about 3
meters away from the ship.
"Why me?!" Riven shouted Narrowing his eyes and glancing up
at the spitting sky.
"Well, one: your already covered in swamp god-knows-what
and two: Stella and I are ladies so the man should be doing
the work!" Musa smirked.
"What about Brandon?!" Riven argued, trying to get out of
the job.
"Riven, a guys gotta do what a guys gotta do?" Brandon
joined the smirking line.
"Such proposterous people!" Riven muttered before taking a
breath and scrambling down the muddy trail up to the ships
front door.
Knock knock
"Oh my god! Aisha help murder!" Nabu squealed violently
hugging a chair.
"Nabu pah-lease, you call your self a strong wizard?" Aisha
chuckled, giving hi a nervous grin.
Riven knocked again and along with it a bang of thunder went
with it giving the knock a special serial killer effect.
All though Aisha wanted to act tough when with her
boyfriend, she was screaming inside. The two enemies looked
at each other before screaming and huddling together on the
floor, in the middle of the room, shivering madly.
Riven was now very wet and bits of dried swamp moss started
running down his face and body. He finally gave up the door
and knocked on the window, hoping the two airheads would
come to their senses and open the door. Riven stood infront
of the window peering in and knocking at the same time.
Another clash of lightening struck right behind him making
him look like a silhouette, with bits of seaweed and moss
hanging everywhere.
"MURDER!" Nabu screamed pointing continuously at Riven's
shivering silhouette.
"God Aisha, Nabu! Open this damn door before I kill you!"
Riven shouted behind the almost sound proof glass. So all
Aisha and Nabu heard was "I kill you!"
"I told you! I told you that thing is a murder, with bad
grammar uses!" Nabu squeaked almost losing his voice in
"oh god!" Riven groused instantly his light bulb flicked on. The
usually crabby boy rummaged through his gadget belt for HHG
(heroes helping gadget) after locating it he held it gingerly
up to the door lock. The gadget flicked on and started
vibrating, with a slight click noise the door creaked open.
"AHHHHHHH! It got to the door!" Nabu shrieked, his voice half
way lost.
"dude! It's me!" Riven pointed to himself hoping his friend
would realize but no luck...
"we know it's you, you killer!" Aisha hollered grabbing
whatever she could get her hands on, in this case one of
Flora's vases for the party. She clutched onto it and propelled
it towards the moss covered boy. Riven quickly dodged it and
it crashed onto the back wall.
"are you trying to kill me?!" Riven vociferated lunging out of
the way of the next vase being catapulted at him.
"of course we are!" Nabu squeaked aiding Aisha fling the
vases. One by one Riven ducked at and all of them crashed
behind him.
"what do you thinks going on?" Brandon questioned
overhearing the commotion inside.
"Riven seems to have everything under control!" Musa groaned
sarcastically as a creamy white vase flew out of the doorway
shattering at the trio's feet.
"i think we should save things from certain doom before Flora
finds out her vases are...huh how can I say it...not in one
piece..." Brandon tugged his collar imagining raging Flora
strangling the lot of them as the scurried to the hatch

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