Another ping sounded throughout the room, bouncing off the walls and alarming the younger.

and if u happen to say anything
you'll be sacrificing your relationship with the one and only seokjin

Then thats when the latter finally realized.

How could Jungkook be so fucking idiotic.

The world suddenly began to crumble before his eyes, the air in the room suddenly growing hot and crisp, making it almost impossible for him to breathe. His body started to tremble at uncontrollable rates, fidgeting under his own touch as he reread the messages. Jungkook felt like he was suffocating; his once calm state replaced by an overbearing amount of solicitude. Each breath he took becoming more painful than the last, long drawn throaty sighs escaping his swollen, chapped lips.

Because Kim Namjoon was Kim Seokjin's beloved boyfriend. A.k.a, the most important human Seokjin has ever interacted with, and will ever meet in his entire life. He had such a big impact on Seokjin in every way possible, and Jungkook knew better than to mess with anything that had to do with him, in a bad way at least.

The one and only boy that had to physical power to destroy their friendship in the matter of minutes. With a few simple words, actions, maybe even with a blink of an eye. The boy that is currently preventing Jungkook from talking to Seokjin just because he couldn't pick up the damn phone. The one single boy that his best friend is undeniably head over heals in love with. The one he can never stop talking about, because he's just so caught up in what he has to offer.

It's funny how those relationships work.

Jungkook likes to think of relationships as stars in the sky. Stars are scattered so randomly throughout the universe, it's almost impossible to predict who you'll just happen to bump into. And every star is different; they either illuminate the entire sky with something just as simple as their presence, or they're barely visible to the human eye. They are either the size of the sun, or the size of a neglected marble you have tucked away in some random drawer. They either live for thousands of years, or die within seconds. But everyone wonders, what stars will combine to make a star that was unimaginably better than the last?

When they do discover the answer, now they have to await the ending. Their mind just makes up more questions that they long to be answered. How long will this star last? Will it break away and join up with some other star, or will it stay, and continue to make an impact on this star's life?

Because you can't depend on every star. It might seem like this star is all you'll ever have, the only star that is making you seem brighter. Shine brighter.

But what are you going to do when that star breaks you? What are you going to do when the star decides to bring light to another star's life?

Will you decide to let go, decide to burn out? Will you do exactly what the rest of the world expects an empty star to do?

Jungkook was a star, an empty star to be exact. But was there a star that left him for another, causing him to be vain and hollow? Not exactly. He was just a very broken star, so very fragile and precious that no one dared to look at him for more than a few seconds. So many cracks and scars that each held their own individual story. He was that star, the one no one really payed any attention to when the sun went down.

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