Loonatics on Ice

Começar do início

A picture appeared in a giant screen next to them. It was a giant block of ice.

Zadavia: So far, nobody can tell where this iceberg came from. I don't have to tell you, what will happen if the temperature keeps dropping.

Duck: I knew it, we're gonna loose cable again! (Sophie slaps him upside the head.) OW!

Sophie: Forget the cable. There's a giant block of ice in the city and its freezing out there!

Lexi: Oh great, those winter sweaters make me look chubbo.

Zadavia: When the meteor hit, your superpowers were the only after effect, this iceberg could be related.

Ace: I think, we can handle one iceberg.

Zadavia: Acmetropolis is counting on you to take care of this. Zadavia out.

Her hologram disappeared.

Lexi: When she goes out, where does she go? The movies?

Sophie: Maybe. She just stays at home, reading romance novels.

Ace: (Smirking) Like you?

Sophie: (Blushes) I can't help it. They are so good.

Ace: (Smirking) Sure. (Turns to Tech) Tech, we'll need some toys to melt this ice cube.

Tech: Excuse me, chief. they're not toys, They're precision handcrafted alloyed instruments.

Ace: We'll take those too, but first, the toys! (Sophie smacks him, upside the head) Ow!

Sophie: (Mad) Show some respect!

She didn't noticed the fond smile of Tech's face.

Moments later, the group was holding Tech's invention in their hands, look at them confused.

Sophie: So, what is this, Tech?

Tech: The retrofire master blaster. Hold it in the palm of your hand. Squeeze twice and...

Sophie did as instructed and it transformed into a huge gun. But when Slam tried, he accidently dropped the gadget. he fumbled with it until he stepped on it and active the blaster, sending him flying around the room. He was heading towards Sophie, who screamed, when she was grabbed by Tech and he moved her out of the way, and held her to his chest.

Tech: Uncurl your toes, uncurl your toes!

Slam did as he was told and the blaster shrunk back, letting Slam hit the wall.

Lexi: You gotta love the toys!

Sophie was still held by Tech, while she was blushing. It felt nice to be held by him. She wanted to enjoy this, but they have a job to do.

Sophie: (Smiling shyly) Um, Tech....Could you let go now?

Tech looked down and saw that he was still holding Sophie to his chest. He quickly let go while he blushed, and rubbed the back of his head, also smiled sheepishly.

Tech: Oh, sorry.

Sophie giggled at him. She then leaned up and kissed him on the cheek, making him blush more.

Sophie: (Smiling Fondly) But, thank you for moving me out of the way.

Tech: (Laughing embarrassing) Heheheheh

Ace smirked at the scene, and went back to business.

Ace: Time to crush some ice. Let's jet!

The Loonatics flew out of HQ with the use of their jet packs, except for Rev, who can fly.

Loonatics UnleashedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora