Lost Cause

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They escape when I open my eyes from sleep

They escape when I open my eyes to practicality

Where I live
Are more beautiful than life
Where I actually just exist

'You should do what you love'
Can I do what I love?
Is there a job for people
Who fantasise?
Who long pathetically
For their lives to change

Do you ever long for the night to fall?
Because only when unconscious awakes
Can you escape the gloomy daylight.

Do you wish for the restraints chaining you to reality to disappear?
So you can defy gravity and flow away in your fantasies?

Do you ever feel so vulnerable
That you can't let down your guard?
That you keep wearing a façade?

Do you ever feel like a bird in sea?
Wandering how the hell you ended up where you don't belong?

Do you ever feel so lonely?
That even the person in the mirror isn't your friend?

Do you ever feel stuck
In a matchbox of routine
With no air to breathe?

Then you are qualified for the job
The job is self-pity
And if it gets more demanding
You have a way out
Quit the job and
Do what you actually love!
Not just in fantasies but real life as well

And if you can't
Wait for some time and gain some experience
And maybe with experience
realisation will come long
So keep looking
Because this is one job
You'll regret getting a promotion in

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