Choosing; Balthazar

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Putting this out there; y/d/v means your dream vacation spot. Thanks guys! Enjoy!

"Dean, calm down." You were trying to calm you eldest brother down after he watched Balthazar kiss your cheek as a greeting, rather than your hand. Balthazar left after Dean nearly stabbed him with an Angel blade.
"I wish." You muttered under your breath.
"Me too, Darling." He whispered suddenly into your ear from behind. Dean's face scowled as he tried to push past you to get to Balthazar.
"Dean! Stop!" You pleaded, but he was determined.
"GET OUT!" He shouted directly at Balthazar.
"No Dean! Please, just listen to reason.
"I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree with your brother, y/n." Balthazar grabbed around you waist from behind, and you blinked. But when you opened your eyes, you were no longer in the crappy motel room, Dean was no longer screaming, in fact, Dean wasn't anywhere in sight. You looked around. You were in y/d/v. You looked over your shoulder at him. He looked into your eyes with a gentle smile. You smiled back, then turned your head to look at the view.
"It's stunning!" The sun was just beginning to set, the colours made the scene look perfect, "I've never seen something so beautiful in my entire life!" Your eyes were on the view, but his were fixated on you.
"You don't own a mirror?" Balthazar mock questioned. You looked back at him in confusion.
"I do, but what does that matter?"
"Because you said you'd never seen something that beautiful, but Darling, that vies is minuscule in beauty compared to the sight of you." You cheeks grew fiery red, and you had to look away to hide your blush. You smiled like an idiot. He turned you toward him, and cupped his hand around your cheek.
"No need to hide. I think it's cute." He lifted your face so your e/c eyes were looking directly into his. He used his other hand to play with your h/c hair. You pressed your lips gently to his.
"You realize Dean's going to kill you, right?" You laugh, and he joins you.
"I don't think I mind." Balthazar said, as he wrapped and arm protectively around your waist. You both turned to look at the dazzling sunset. You rested your head on his shoulder. You don't remember when, but eventually you two had sat down. Where, not surprisingly considering your lack of sleep, you fell asleep on his shoulder. He matched your breathing, and looked at you. He thought you were adorable when you slept. He pulled an arm around you, and he zapped both of you two to the bunker, on your bed. He later his head on yours, and decided to try this 'sleep thing' out. He closed his eyes, and had unconsciously put his other arm around you, hugging you tightly. He never realized Sam and Dean had walked in. Sam smiled. Dean tried to hide it, but he did too.
"I think she's fine." Sam said. Dean watched for awhile longer, accepting this as what was going to be the new norm.
"Come on, we should go." Dean nodded.
"Just one more thing, Sammy." He walked over to your side of the bed, and smoothed down your hair, before lightly kissing your temple.
"Fine. You win." He whispered into your ear. He walked out the door, and Sam lingered before shutting it.

-Time skip brought to you by the Titans. Aw, you've got to love attack on Titan!-

You awoke to Balthazar kissing your forehead. You smiled up at him.
"This should become a usual thing, Darling." You blushed.
"Does that mean you're my boyfriend?" He laughed, and your smile began to fade.
"I thought that was clear yesterday." Your smile sprung back to life.
"Obviously." You teased. He kissed your cheek lightly, and your blush grew.
"So your brother hasn't killed me." He pointed out.
"Yet." You joked, snuggling into the crook of his arm.
"Don't think I didn't think about it!" Dean said, leaning in the doorway. How long has he been there?
"I still might." You laughed gently.
"You have an amazing laugh." Balthazar whispered into your ear.
"Can you stop just long enough for me to tell
y/n that breakfast is ready!" Balthazar smiled, not looking away from you as you climbed out of bed for breakfast.
"Of course not." He said slyly.
"And why is that?" He zapped to right in front of you.
"That'd be a crime." He said, kissing you softly. As you parted, you realized Dean had left.
"Subtlety isn't your forte, I'm guessing?" He laughed.
"Why be subtle when I can get you to myself for an extra three minutes. He kissed you once more, arms wrapped around your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck and gently kissed back.
"I think we should give them a minute, Dean." Sam said. You realized that's why Dean left.
You separated once more.
"I'm coming." You followed your brothers to the kitchen. You ate breakfast in an awkward silence, but you were happy.
"Just reminding you, since I was so rudely before, that I love you." Balthazar's voice whispered into your ear, but he wasn't there.
I love you, too. You thought to yourself.

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