Chapter 9

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"Ma is it ok if I stay back a little while for tutoring. I really don't understand the Tan and Cosine parts that we covered this week in geometry." I asked over my teacher's phone.

"That's fine call me when you get home." She replied without hesitation. I stared blankly for a second before I realized she had actually agreed.

"Ok I will." I hung up. They weren't the words that I expected to hear but I guess I had finally earned back her trust which took a drastic social life reduction and dramatic increase in academics. It was a welcome refocusing though. I had gotten my head too wrapped up in Tre and Tyler. I was talking to Tre a lot less and for the most part he understood but that's not to say he didn't still act like a little kid sometimes when I told him I couldn't talk. I talked to Tyler more and everyday I learned something new about him.

Just when Mrs. Million and I were about to settle in, there was a knock at the door. I looked back and saw Tyler. Mrs. Million waved and he came in.

"I just needed to speak with Chardannay." He said. I looked at him confused.

"What's up?" I questioned.

"I have to go to work so I can't walk with you home today." He replied. I felt myself blushing in front of our geometry teacher.

"Ok." I replied trying to sound unconcerned and nonchalant.

"Be safe please." He said walking over to were I was sitting. I looked away from him.

"Am I ever not safe?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, call me when you get home." He opened his arms for a hug and I instinctively stood to hug him.

"You sound like my momma." I tried to sound tough like I had an attitude but it didn't come out right at all. I got even more embarrassed. I pulled out of his hug quickly and sat back down.

"I'll see you later. Bye Mrs. Millian." She waved at Tyler and smiled softly which only made me blush harder.

I was happy she didn't say anything and we jumped right into math. After an hour I was more than confident with this week's materials as well as next week's materials. I thanked her for her time and started my trek home. I thought about taking the bus but in the time I would wait for it I could already be home. I grabbed my books out of my locker before heading toward the exit.

"What took you do long?" I alms jumped out of my skin when I heard a voice come from behind me in the abandoned hallway but I knew the voice too well. I turned and punched him in the chest. All he did was laugh though.

"Don't scare me stupid!" I yelled.

"Dang gur." Tre said as he followed me out of the school building and down the street.

"How you know I was still at school anyway stalker?"

"Becah I aint see ya leave. What ta ya so long?"

"I was getting tutored."

"You need tutorin. Ya coulda just ask ya boy." He said with his big goofy grin.

"No thank you."

"Ya sleepin on ya boy."

"Sure sure." I replied with a smirk. He shook his head.

"Don't let the smoothness foo ya shawty. Ya boy smart."

"Oh really?"


"What math are you taking?"

"AP Calc."

"Yeah right Tre." I shook my head at the obvious lie before snorting a chuckle.

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