Chapter 8

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Tyler literally walked me all the way home even though I told him I was good when we were about a block away. He walked me all the way to my door and my heart was pounding.

"Ok I'll see you later. I'm home. Go away before I get in more trouble." I said shooing him but he didn't budge and just as I thought my mom was coming to the door.

"Chardannay." She said. I could already hear it in her voice.

"Yes ma'am." I walked a little faster but Tyler walked right beside me. Why wasn't he leaving?

"Hello Mrs. Miller. My name is Tyler King. I go to school with Chardannay." Tyler reached out his hand toward my mother. She looked at it skeptically but shook it out of good manners which I was happy for because she could have just embarrassed both of us. "I wanted to ask you if it would be ok if Chardannay tutored me?" I looked at him failing to hold back my shock which I know my mom didn't not notice.

"Who is this lil boy?" My mom asked looking at me.

"We have all the same classes." I replied. "We been in school together since elementary school."

"What you trying to pull lil boy because my daughter not like these other lil hot ass girls out here."

"Ma'am I mean no disrespect in anyway. I'm just really trying not to fall behind in school and I know that Nay is one of the smartest people in my class."

I mentally rolled my eyes. Tyler is smarter than me but I would never admit that. My mom stared holes through Tyler but he didn't crack.

"What is going on?" My mom asked me.

"Nothing momma. He asked me to tutor him. I was planning to come home and ask you today and he just kind of came over. I guess he wanted to ask you himself." I replied. She looked back at Tyler who held eye contact with her.

"I'm sorry if I was out of line ma'am. I just didn't think it would be right to ask her to ask you and not come and introduce myself."

"She is on punishment right now. Maybe next week she can start tutoring you but yall know it's gonna be some rules." Momma said. I looked at her surprised.

"Yes ma'am. I wouldn't do anything to disrespect you, Nay or your household." Tyler replied.

"Ok, Nay get in this house."

"Bye Ty." I replied walking into the house passed my mom.

"Bye." Ty replied.


It was Monday and I was a free woman. My mom had finally let me off the hook. It was an understood concept that I was never to be out after dark again. I didn't care anyway though because I was finally free.

"God your momma be trippin for real." Ken said as we walked to lunch.

"I am just happy that I finally get my love bug back." I replied hugging her. Something truly seemed off. I put my hand on her stomach. "How is my God baby?"

She shied away from my hand a little.

"Nay chill man." I looked at her confused. This was the first time she had ever told me not to touch her stomach. It's not like it had grown any yet. I stared at her confused but she only looked away and walked ahead of me quickly. Of course I followed, something was seriously wrong with my best friend.

"Ken what's wrong?" I asked when we entered the bathroom. She went into a stall and I caught the door as she tried to close it in my face. "Would you just talk to me?" I looked down at her shoulders quiver. She looked up at me with bloodshot eyes.

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