My head's aching because of her non stop talking. I pressed my temples and sighed again.

"Ally I'll be hanging up now. Bye."

I ended the call before she says something again.

I put my phone back in my pocket and looked at the two guys who are staring at me.

"What?" I asked them.

"Nothing." They said in unison.

"Come on brother, drive me to school." I told him.

"Me and Ian are driving you. I'll get the car keys." my brother told me.

So now I'm here in the kitchen alone, with Ian.

There's an awkward silence revolving around us.

"Who are you talking to awhile ago?" Ian finally broke the silence.

"None of your business." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Don't you think it's quite rude to tolerate your visitor like that?"

"Don't you think it's rude to mind someone elses business?" I glared daggers at him.

He smirked at me and flicked my nose. I swatted his hands away from me and decided to answer him so that he would stop bugging me.

"Allison." I shrugged, letting out a deep breath.

"Allison? As in Allison Sanders?" He raised his eyebrow

"Uhh.. yes? You know her?" I cocked my eyebrow.

"Uh.. Sort of." He trailed off blushing.

His cheeks are now tinted with a shade of light red.

Ohh. He likes Ally! That's it!

"You like her don't you?" I asked him with a smirk.

"Yeah.. I've seen her pictures." he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

I laughed out loud as I thought of them dating. I can't picture them being lovey dovey, it's just wrong. He started to open his mouth and shuts it when my brother interuppted us.

"Ready?" He wiped his forehead and tousled his already disheveled hair.

I admit my brother's pretty hot but he can be a jerk when he wanted to.

"Yup" popping the 'p'.

"Alright! Let's go." We walked towards the door and entered his car.

He started to pull away from our driveway. I sat on the back seat and Ian sat on the front seat, I said 'shotgun' first but my brother insisted. I'm pouting right now with my arms crossed.

"Come on sis. Don't be like that!" my brother chuckled.

"I said shotgun first." I whined like a little child.

Both of the boys laughed at me which caused me to pout deeper.

"It's okay Cassy, you'll be fine back there." Ian cooed.

"Shut your mouth Miller before I make you." I growled.

His eyes widen and raised his arms to mock surrender. My brother laughed at him which caused me to join his laughter, this time it's Ian who's pouting which caused me to laugh harder.

My laughter finally calmed down as I saw Ally standing on the parking space with her arms crossed.

I walked out of my brother's car so did the two of them. I walked towards Ally as the two boys followed me.

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