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Okay I'm just gonna give it to you straight. I'm not into all that mushy shit.

That whole: our eyes met from across the room   and it was love at first sight and I would die if we weren't together and even though I've never said one word to you we were gonna be together forever and ever and blah blah blah mushy shit blah.  No. That's not me.

I'm more of a: our eyes met from across the room and all I could think about was how fuckable he looked. Like lord Jesus please let him fuck me and blah blah blah hot shit blah.

And that's exactly what I thought when I looked at Jack.

How fuckable he looked.

His dark hair.

His brown eyes that just say I want you to fuck me.

His jawline.

And that smirk. Damn that smirk.

After taking all of him in I dropped my eyes and heard him chuckle.

I looked over at Merritt who was now smiling, "No fucking way."

The whole room went silent. I looked over at my brother but he couldn't even look me in the eye.

There were about 10 seconds of awkward silence when Dylan came to the rescue,

" I know you guys will make her feel at home. The eye is planning something and even though we don't know what it is, you all have to work as a team or it won't be successful so get to know each other, become comfortable with each other, make it so all of you are always thinking the same thing at the same time."

They all look at me. They know each other very well since they've been working together for so long and none of them know me.

Daniel thinks he knows me but he doesn't. Not anymore. He knows the old me, when I was his sweet kind little sister who's biggest dream was to be like her older brother. But now I'm like a totally different person.

Dylan continues," Show Madelyn the ropes of this place and where her room is, and get to know her, but be careful she has the famous Atlas attitude." And with a slight chuckle he walks out the door leaving me alone to die.

I turned around again searching for Danny's eyes, but he was still staring at the ground.

Jack had stood up from his chair, " Well see you guys at dinner." He said as he walked away back to what I'm presuming was his room.

Mental note: Jack's room is to the left of the entrance. I thought to myself before looking back to see a smiling Merritt.

"Well sweetheart," he said walking up to me, "I'm Merritt McKinney," he said holding out his hand, "but you probably already knew that."

I shook his hand, "And I'm Madelyn Atlas but you probably already knew that."

He rose my hand up to his lips and gently kissed the top, "Might I add that it's very clear you got all the good genes." He said this looking over at Danny who was still looking at the ground but had a smirk on face.

"I've been trying to tell Danny that for years but he never believed me." I said with a chuckle and with that Danny finally looked straight at me and smiled,"I've missed you little sister."

"I've missed you too big brother." I say closing the space between us and hugging him fairly tight.

"Let me show you to your room." He said after a few seconds, slightly pulling away. I let go and grabbed my bags to follow him and Merritt down the right hallway to a big steel door.

"It used to be Henley's room," Danny said with a slight hint of sadness that I picked up on cause I'm his sister and Merritt probably picked up on because well he's Merritt.

I remember Henley from when she was Danny's assistant from what feels like forever ago.

We were always good friends. Especially when they were dating because she was always around.

I remember her always helping me with my boy problems and Danny problems and basically every other problem you could think of.  She was like the big sister I never had.

I remember how devastated my brother and I both were when they broke up and she went solo. Her and I talked for awhile and I even went to some of her shows but after like 6 months we just kind of dropped of.

I don't know what happened when they were in hiding but apparently Danny was still deep down upset about it, but that's a conversation for a different day.

Right now I was just standing in the hallway staring at this huge metal door in front of me.

Before I opened it I took in a big deep breath. Beyond this door is going to be my life for awhile.

I hope I'm as ready as I think I am.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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