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I didn't tell anyone I was coming. Even my own brother has no idea.

I got my card about two weeks ago and I had been preparing myself for this ever since. I knew that this was going to be one interesting adventure but I also knew it was going to be the best time of my life.

I remember when Danny got his card. It feels like forever ago even though it was only like two years.

I was walking back upstairs to the apartment when I saw some half naked chick running out of the door yelling about what an asshole Danny is and I knew something was up, because I know my brother and he would never pass on that opportunity. When I open the door I find Danny staring out the window twirling some card in his hand.

"What was that about?" I asked; he turned around looked me straight in the eye and threw the card across the room with it landing right by my feet. I picked it up and turned it over twice, "The lover?And a reflecting eye. What does this even mean?" I asked with a slight chuckle.

"Maddie this is it. This is what I've been waiting for. I didn't think it was actually real but here it is in my hand."

"And it being what exactly?" I asked with a confused look on my face which apparently was very entertaining to Danny because he started busting out laughing, "Maddie," he can't contain his chuckle, "It is the Eye, and it is the most amazing thing that can ever happen to a magician."

I woke up the next morning and Danny was gone.I haven't seen him since.

We had a great relationship; he was my best friend and we use to tell each other everything. Sure he was my big brother and we had our brother sister arguments every now and then (which I ALWAYS won), but it's just been us for a long time and he helped me become he person I am today.

What 19 year old wants to take care of his 13 year old sister? Well none of them probably but my brother did it anyway and because of that I will always be grateful. He was always my biggest role model and its because of him I got into magic and no I wasn't a Daniel Atlas yet but he'd taught me a couple of his tricks and I had been working on a couple of my own but it was more of just a hobby at the time.

When Danny left my magic became more of an obsession. When I wasn't at the coffee shop making coffee I was in that apartment learning all about The Eye and watching all of Danny's videos trying to master all his tricks and I don't want to toot my own horn or anything but I had gotten pretty damn good.

All I wanted was to join the eye and be apart of whatever this was that my brother was so excited about.

I remember when I saw their first act, the show in Vegas where they stole the money from the French guys bank. I saw it on the news and didn't really pay attention to it until I saw none other than my very own brother.

The Four Horsemen were amazing (Danny was the best) and I was obsessed with everything that had to do with them. Every show, every trick, every police chase everything. All I wanted was to be like them.

When my brother left I didn't think I would ever hear from him again. I tried calling, texting, emailing, every form of communication and nothing and then out of nowhere he's on TV. I couldn't believe my eyes. The tricks they did. I had so much admiration for them.

I wanted to be part of it. I wanted in. I wanted to be better than even my brother and I worked my ass off  for almost a year to get there. I learned all my brother tricks plus a couple of my own and even started the whole mentalist thing because come on that shit is fucking cool! I'm actually pretty good at it.

Anyway I was doing my weekly show at the coffee shop I work at when I found my card. It told me to go to some address (that took me forever to find btw) and when I walk in the door it's none other than Agent Dylan Rhodes.

"We need to talk." He told me, "Okay let's talk. I know this card has something to do with the eye and I want in. You better not just be some guy fucking with me" I say back with maybe a little too much attitude.

He looks at me and starts pacing, "I can already hear your brother in you, fabulous. Anyway I came because Henley has chosen to leave for reasons no one really knows but it was her choice. The eye is planning something, something big and we are now down a horseman. You were the chosen one. And although having two Atlas' on the team is an idea that scares the hell out of me, y'all are amazing at what y'all do and we need all the amazing we can get. So welcome to the team!"

I found out that they have all been in hiding due to the fact that they are wanted criminals all over the country, and I would be joining them in two weeks. Two weeks to prepare for the adventure of my life, two weeks to get my tricks 100% solid and try to get a little better at my mentalist so that maybe I could at least make a good first impression on Merritt because I mean the guy is awesome.

The guy I was most excited to see was my brother. And now two weeks have passed and I thought when my brother left I would never see him again but I'm about to stare him straight in the face. This motherfucker better have missed me.

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