Dreams Can be Haunting

Start from the beginning

"Well with all due respect, I won't be involved in any delinquency or inappropriate activity so you have no reason to worry," he assured. I almost laughed at how much he sounded like Cho's dad, Rei.

"Alright you sound trustworthy enough," I said and turned to Kya, "you on the other hand, I'll be keeping a close eye on you."

He laughed and responded, "Well of course you will, no one can keep their eyes off of me, especially not your cute little sister."

Brooke's cheeks bloomed with red and she smacked him.

"You're gonna loose one of your eyes if you don't shut up," she muttered.

The bell finally rang and we all headed into the school. My stomach clenched at the sight of Cho and Ryuki walking hand in hand through the hallway, looking gleeful and open about their new relationship. I made it to my first class and had to suffer through their small whispers and giggles, it was torture.

Cho's P.O.V.

I could barely concentrate on what the teacher was saying because Ryuki was telling me a random hilarious joke or fact every two seconds. I started to think that maybe this plan wouldn't be so bad, at least temporarily. I mean he definitely wasn't the worst candidate for the job, he was very attractive, no avoiding that, supportive, and his sense of humor matched up perfectly with mine. Finally the class was over and we spent the next few classes together and I realized how much Ryu and I actually got along and that I actually really enjoyed his company.

"Cho-kun your eyes get so pretty when you start thinking so hard," Ryu mused when I spaced out.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to loose my focus," I apologized.

"It's okay, I get lost in your eyes a lot, it's only fair that you do the same to me," he said.

"Wow how smooth," I joked and punched his shoulder. We walked to lunch together, hand-in-hand, grabbed our lunches, and sat down.

"Hey, isn't that Beck over there at that table?" Ryu asked. I looked over to where he had nodded and saw Beck watching us with a troubled expression, he obviously hadn't noticed that we saw him.

"Yeah it is," I answered and turned back around.

"Well I have a surprise to make him even more jealous," he said, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

"What is it?" I asked.

"This," he said and, before I could ask more, he scooped down and caught my lips with his. My eyes fluttered closed and I heard loud gasps from all around the lunchroom. He pulled away and when I looked up Ryu had a goofy smile on his face. I took a quick glance towards Beck and he looked beyond angry and I finally realized how far I was taking this. There might not be a way back after this. The bell rang and all of my peers filed out of the cafeteria. Ryu and I spent the rest of the day sitting close to each other and probably annoying the crap out of everyone. But this didn't feel much like trying to make Beck jealous anymore, which scared me. Finally school was over and Ryu flashed me a little smile as we walked out of the school doors together.

"I know that you're doing this to get back at Beck, but this is really fun and I think that anyone would be lucky to have you, so don't let yourself get too hung up on Beck, okay?" Ryu said, his blue eyes glistening.

I was about to reply when a huge mass knocked into me and threw me to the ground.

"Ahhh!" I heard Ryu scream beside me and the sickening thud of his head hitting the ground rang out.

The person that hovered over me punched me in the gut so hard that I lost my breath for a little and my vision was dotted with stars.

"This is what you get you little sinners, don't you ever get all touchy in our school again or else this won't be the last time you see us," the person that held Ryu said, his voice was deep and scary. I heard Ryu whimper and I struggled underneath of the heavy weight of the person on top of me. He smacked new a few more times and gave me a hard punch and split my lip open. They left Ryu in a pile before turning to take off.

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