"Yeah! And besides, Alvin, Simon, and Theodore will be there too." Eleanor smiled.

"Hmph..." Brittany pouted and folded her arms about being stuck to be apart of this space camp program.

"I just hope that they don't mind the stowaway Darla brought." Eleanor whispered to her sisters.

"Huh?" Brittany asked.

"What stowaways, Ellie?" Jeanette asked.

"Seriously? You two seriously haven't been overhearing what's been going on in Darla's bag?" Eleanor whispered.

Brittany and Jeanette looked to each other with shrugs of their shoulders.

"Never mind, you'll see." Eleanor sighed.

Amber excitedly looked out the window as her mother drove her to space camp.

"You ready to surprise Darla this time, Amber?" Her mother asked.

"You bet!" Amber beamed. "This is gonna be the best time ever!"

"I know it will be." Her mother smiled.

Amber smiled back. This would definitely be a surprise for Darla in a good way.

Soon, all the cars pulled up to the Space Camp center for everyone who was going.

"Well, here we are." Darla said.

Jessica came out with Darla and Emily so they could get her signed up before they would drive off and go back home. "I'm sure you'll have fun here, kiddo," she told her little sister. "It was lots of fun when I was around your age."

"If you say so." Darla frowned.

"Cheer up, dear." Emily said.

There were two teenagers who appeared to be forced to be in this program. There was a blonde boy with brown eyes who actually looked excited and appeared to have a rat in his pocket and there was a teenage girl with red hair and green eyes who looked unfortunate about being here.

"Who are those two?" Darla asked.

The two teenagers looked around as the kids were coming in with their parents and/or guardians.

"I don't believe it..." Darla said once she got a closer look. "That's Kim Possible and her sidekick, Ron Stoppable!"

"Huh, would you look at that?" Jessica smiled.

"Can this day get any better?" Darla smiled.

"I'm sure it will." Emily giggled.

A familiar car rode up and the doors opened. Amber smiled as she gently tiptoed and was sneaking up behind her best friend.

"Oh, come on, Mom, how could this day get any better?" Darla smiled unknowing who was behind her.

Amber then gently put her hands over Darla's neck. "Boo!"

"Oh, my!" Darla called, then turned to see her giggling best friend. "Amber!"

"Surprise!" Amber smiled.

"Amber!" Darla smiled back.

The two then hugged each other nice and tight.

"Nothing could top this." Darla smiled.

"Maybe~..." Amber said. "Ya never know... Ready for a great week together, friend?"

"Totally." Darla happily agreed.

Robyn came out with her backpack and she looked around shyly to the kids who were gathered together, they all knew each other well, but they didn't really know her.

"Psst, Darla." Patch muffled quietly.

"Hm?" Darla looked around as Amber then decided to go meet up with Anne-Marie as she was about to say goodbye to Harold and Kate, her adoptive parents.

Patch knew that somehow he had to get Darla and Roby together, so he decided to use his magic and move Darla's bag to Robyn by teleporting it and himself in it to her so the two could meet.

"Like my new backpack?" Brittany seemed to brag as she held out her bag. "It's custom Princess Kate, my hero, my idol!"

"My stomach..." Alvin rolled his eyes.

Brittany growled.

"I have a nice bag too," Darla said, then realized her bag was off. "Huh? Where'd I put it?"

"Um, excuse me?" Robyn walked over nervously. "I-Is this yours...?"

"Yes, thank you for finding it." Darla said.

"No problem, it just suddenly appeared in front of me as if by magic." Robyn said.

"Patch." Darla whispered, having a good feeling who did that.

"So, you're Atticus's little sister, huh?" Robyn asked. "That must be great."

"Yeah, he's the best, how come we never see you in school?" Darla asked.

"Oh, I'm home-schooled..." Robyn said softly. "I might come into school next year though since Daddy travels the world and I don't have to live with Aunt Figg anymore while he's gone."

"I've heard about that woman from Atticus's adventure stories, she sounded awful." Darla said.

"Oh, trust me, she really was..." Robyn looked bitter about her former guardian. "She wasn't even really my aunt, just my guardian, she was always calling me an orphan," she then reached into her collar and showed her golden locket that she always wore around her neck. "She even threw my locket out the window, but I climbed out and found it."

"Wow, well, luckily; you won't have to put up with her anymore." Darla said.

"You can say that again," Robyn smiled back. "I don't know what I'd do if it hadn't been for Cherry, Atticus, Patch, Tom, and Jerry."

"Well, Atticus, Cherry, and Patch do seem to appear when they are needed; along with Mo." Darla smiled.

"That they do." Robyn agreed.

Jessica and Emily smiled to Darla and then to each other once they saw that Darla had made a new friend all by herself, except, of course, for Patch's part, but still, it was good.

This seemed like it was going to be a great camp year.

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