Two steps back

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Olivia looked at Lacey and waited to hear the young girl's turn of events and interpretation of what really happened.

Lacey took a deep breath and spoke softly, "" Then she shook her head as she looked down at her baby, "I....I...I'm sorry. I...I can't do it."
"It's okay, Lacey." Olivia assured the young girl "Just take all the time you need." The she asked, "Do you need a break or maybe some water?"
Lacey shook her head and said softly, "I'm sorry." Then she picked up her daughter and walked out.
Olivia sighed and ran her hand through her hair before exiting the room.
"Who was that?" Amanda asked Olivia after seeing Lacey leave
"A victim reporting a rape from two years ago." Olivia replied "She's fourteen and a foster kid with a one year old daughter."
Amanda breathed out, "That's hard. I hope you can get through to her."
"I doubt she's coming back. She's a really broken girl." Olivia told Amanda "Although she just needs someone in her corner to be there for her and help her heal."
Meanwhile when Lacey arrived back at the group home, she head straight to her room and puts her daughter, Camryn down to play. Camryn crawls around and then plays with some of her toys on the ground. Lacey sits on her bed and buries her face into her hands as tears start falling from her eyes.
Camryn turns around and looks at her mother. "Mama!" Camryn calls 
Lacey looks up and smiles at her daughter, "I love you, baby. I promise I'll do what's right for you. I'll get justice for you."
Camry crawls over to her mother and raises her arms to be picked up, "Mama! Up!"
Lacey picks up her daughter and places her on her lap. Lacey holds Camryn close as she cries silently. Something that Lacey had mastered by the tender age of six.
Later that night, when Olivia head home from work the only thing she had on her mind and the only thing she could think of was the poor little girl. Poor Lacey.
Olivia walks into her house as she is greeted by her three year old son Noah running to greet her.
"Mommy!" Noah exclaimed
Olivia smiled and pick up her son, "Hi baby boy."
As Noah's babysitter, Lucy makes her way to the front door, "Sorry, Liv. I planned on having Noah in bed and asleep by the time you got home but he didn't want to go to sleep without seeing his mommy."
"It's alright, Lucy. Good night." Olivia replied. Then she turned her attention back to Noah after Lucy left, "So little man, did you have fun with Lucy?"
"Yeah I did, but I missed you, mommy." Noah replied
"That's good. Now what do you say to a bedtime story and then getting tucked in?" Olivia asked
Noah smiled happily, "I like that idea, mommy."
Meanwhile at the group home, Camryn is sleep peacefully in her crib but Lacey is tossing and turning in her sleep as she dreams of a bad memory.
- Dream flashback: Two years ago -
24 year old, Xavier Johansen decided to be a foster parent after having been abused, neglected, and molested himself in the foster system. He wanted to be one of the good foster parents, like the ones he had when he was really young. Barely old enough to remember. Little did he know though, he is more damaged and broken than he thought.
One night a few weeks after Lacey came into his home, when he came home from work he went to check on Lacey like he'd done every night, but this night was different because he thought the little twelve year old girl in his care is beautiful. He tries to push the thought aside but it's hard when he was molested by many different foster parents and siblings starting at the young age of eight. He thinks back to the words that were said to him the first time he was molested. 'I'm going to make you a man.'
Then Xavier walks into Lacey's room and stands by the side of her bed and strokes her hair, "Lacey, wake up beautiful."
Lacey rubbed her eyes sleepily, "Why, Xavier?"
"I'm going to make you a lady." Xavier told Lacey
"How are you going to do that, Xavier?" Lacey asked curious and confused
Xavier got on the bed and started gently stroking and caressing Lacey and her undeveloped breasts.
"Xavier? Xavier?! What are you doing?" Lacey asked shocked. He had never acted that way with her before.
Before Lacey knew it, Xavier was on top of her with his pants and boxers off, her underwear were off, and his penis was inside of her.
Lacey screamed and cried, "Ow! Xavier stop! You're hurting me! Ouch, Xavier! Stop! Please...." Then Lacey blacked out from the pain.
- End of dream flashback -
Lacey woke up in a pool of her own sweat. She wasn't sure what to do. She's terrified and on her own. The only person she has is Camryn. Lacey quietly gets out of bed and walks over to Camryn's crib. She watches her daughter sleep and smiles softly at how peaceful Camryn looks. Lacey is so glad that her daughter is young and innocent without any care in the world. Never thinking or knowing that there are people in the world who would hurt her.
Tears slowly start falling from Lacey's eyes as she looks up to the sky, "Mommy? Daddy? Please tell me what I should do? Please give me the courage to talk to the police and confess what Xavier did to me and what he tried to do to Cammie. Please help me get justice for my daughter and I."
Meanwhile at Olivia's house, as Olivia lays in bed thinking about Lacey before she goes to bed.
Olivia sighs softly, "I wish I could help Lacey. I wish I knew how to get her to talk to me." Then she added, "I want to help her. I want to get justice for her and her daughter. But most importantly I want to give Lacey what she doesn't have and what she can't give herself. Love and a family. I want to show her that she is worth something. I want to help her heal."

Hope you enjoy. Comments are greatly appreciated.

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