Chapter 35 - Fate needs to leave me alone.

Bắt đầu từ đầu

“She’s right.” Mitch says with a shrug as we walk into our classroom, “He’s obviously tres  jelly.”

I roll my eyes as we sit down at our desks, “First Maddy classifies me as an area which belongs to my boyfriend who is apparently going to bite me and then you say ‘trays jelly’ of all things.”

“It’s another way to say jealous. I’m pretty sure it’s French.” She sniffs. Her eyes suddenly bulge out of her head, “Oooh, who’s the eye-candy?”

I slap Mitch over the head, “You’ve got a boyfriend! Get a gri– No. Way.”

What are the chances that Matt’s on exchange at our school and just walked into our homeroom? Well, apparently it’s pretty high.

He hasn’t seen me so I pull the hood of my jacket over my head and grab the groovy glasses Mitch claims to be fashionable from off of her head, “Mitch!” I hiss, “Give me your geography book!”

She passes it over confusedly and I snatch it from her, “What’s up with you?”

“That’s Matt!” I hiss again, setting the book up in front of my face before crouching behind it.

“’Morning class!” Mr O says as he walks in.

“Um, excuse me…” his accent sticks out like a sore thumb and immediately all attention is directed towards my ex-best friend. “I’m kind of lost…”

I peek out from behind Mitch’s book to see Mr O smiling at Matt, “You must be the exchange student, right?”

Matt nods, “Right. Um, I’m looking for uh… Ok, I have no idea what the classroom’s called but I’m staying with this guy called Lincoln Hayze.”

“Hell no.” I say a little louder than I’m supposed to.

All eyes turn to me, including Mr O’s and he raises an eyebrow at me, “Well, I’m sure Ms Parker wouldn’t mind showing you to the right classroom. Would you?”

I swallow, “Um, actually–”

Matt’s face lights up, “Hailey! You go to school here too?”

A murmur starts up in the classroom as everyone speculates on how I know this guy who has the ‘sexiest Aussy accent’ according to my already taken best friend. I stand up abruptly, tossing Mitch her glasses before stomping up to the front of the room and pulling Matt away with me. “Come on.” I growl.

I storm down the hallway not caring if he’s following or not. “Hailey.” He grabs my arm and I stop.


“I want to talk to you. No, I need to talk to you.”

I turn around, anger rearing its ugly head within me, “Are you mental–”

“Matt! Hey man, I’m sorry I lost track of you.” Linc runs up to us looking worried.

Matt shrugs, “It’s fine. Hailey was just taking me to your classroom.”

“Thanks.” His smile falters at the grumpy expression on my face. He looks between us, “Um, am I missing something here?”

Matt shakes his head, “It’s nothing. I’ll see you ‘round.” He adds, looking pointedly at me.

I roll my eyes and give a small smile to Linc before walking back to my classroom.

Everything just got a whole lot more complicated.


Jake drops me off in front of my art class before heading towards his own, an unhappy expression still on his face due to the sudden reappearance of Matt.

Surviving the McLane Boys ('On Hold Still...')Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ