Megatron just glared at him "sneaking around again Starscream?" He asked "Putting yourself into places you shouldn't!!!!"

"I was j-just walking my lord!" Starscream exclaimed.

Megatron growled before he squeezed his neck, Starscream grabbed his arm and tried pulling away from him. "If you ever tell anyone what you saw today... I will grind you to near death!!!!!!!!!" Megatron growled

"Y-yes My Liege." he squeaked.

Megatron finally let him go though he was still glaring at him, Violetwing just watched this still glaring

"Your warning is crystal clear Lord Megatron." he said nervously.

"Good now get out of my sight!!" Megatron growled

Starscream nodded furiously then bolted away. Megatron and Violetwing watched the seeker as he ran out of sight, Megatron looked at Violetwing "Let's go before others come..." he said

Violetwing nodded they then left for his quarters it didn't take them long for them to get there, once he closed the door behind him he turned to her, grabbed her lightly and pulled her into another kiss. Violetwing moaned before she once more wrapped her arms around him, Megatron smirked before he deepened the kiss.

They remained in the lip lock for a while before they finally pulled away though their faceplates were not far from one another. "Megatron..." She said

Megatron looked at her "Yes?" He asked

Violetwing looked into his blood red optics with her own half cast, she was a little hesitant about telling him this but her mind was made up "I-i'm ready..." She replied

Megatron looked into her optics before he realized what she meant and he grinned "You have no idea how much I have wanted to hear that from you, my little predacon..." He said

Violetwing blushed to that before she knew it he had pulled her into a kiss and pulled her close to him, Violetwing moaned again before she grabbed a hold of him and kissed back. Megatron held her close as he moved himself and her to the berth he pulled away from her they looked into each other's optics for a moment before he lightly pushed her onto the berth.


Violetwing landed on her back she looked at him before she grinned, Megatron returned the grin as he moved to her again, slowly she laid down as he moved on top of her they kissed again closing their optics moaning in pleasure as Megatron moved his servos over her body hitting certain areas that caused Violet to groan.

Megatron then moved from her lips and to her neck kissing and nipping at it, Violetwing moaned again and wrapped herself around him. Megatron soon pulled away from her, "I'll be as gentle as I can... This will hurt you..." He said

Violetwing stayed where she was blushing once again. "I know..." she panted "But I'll get through it..."

Megatron smiled at her before he kisses her again, he slowly moved his right servo down her body before he reached her panel Violetwing jumped suddenly as she felt him tap on it a little they pulled away from each other "shh it's alright..." He told her

Violetwing looked into his optics "I-it's fine I just didn't expect that..." She replied

Megatron looked at her " you want me to remove it now or wait a little longer?" He asked

Violetwing looked into his optics for a while before she replied "Now..." She replied

Megatron looked at her before he looked down and lightly too it in his servo, Violetwing waited there breathing heavily she was nervous. Megatron then clicked her panel and took it off, Violetwing blushed even more now Megatron looked at her. "Calm yourself, Violet." He said softly

Pride of a PredaconWhere stories live. Discover now