She Said it Back | 9

664 14 2

December 23rd
Atlanta; 1:13pm
Canada; 1:13pm

Hey Nash!


How are you?

Ok ig hbu

I could be better but other than that fine!


You sure you ok? Because usually It's vis versa with the texting

Whatever just stop texting

Uhmmm ok what I do?

Just please leave me alone

Fine but one more thing I LOVE YOU TOO! Bye ✌😔


Nash's P.O.V

Once I read what Ava said I immediately got happy. But she probably won't talk to me now I just blew her off. I really like her but I'm just going through rough times right now.

I really hope I get to meet her & we can become more then just friends. Texting her is so amazing & when she ignores me I get so sad but now it's the other way around.

After this she's probably going to hate me.

Back to texting

Hey I'm uh.. I'm really sorry I was just-- it's complicated.

Please don't do this

Why should I respond to you after you just tell me not to talk to you anymore & then I just told you I loved you.

Oh but it's ok when you do it to me?

I never said it was I'm just saying...

What are you saying Ava?

Just forget it I'm done I'll ttyl bye

Texting | Nash Grier Where stories live. Discover now