17 - Nightmares and Notes

Start from the beginning

"Mom!" I shouted at the top of my voice.

"Austin, what is it? I thought you were outside playing with Cody," She replied.

"Mom, just please come quick, it's Cody," I said. And with that, I ran back to where he was, assuming my mom was following me.

"Oh my goodness, I've got to phone an ambulance," She said as she approached both of us. When she was on the phone to the emergency services, it felt like I was going to be standing there forever.

As the ambulance arrived, my mind started flashing images of that night in my head. Cody falling, the ambulance, the hospital, the nurses that were trying to calm me down, then, all I heard was a nurse talking, "I'm sorry, we done everything we could." Then, everything went black.


I woke up sweating. I checked the time, which was 12:14am. I had never had a nightmare about my brother ever since he passed. I decided to go downstairs and tell my mom and dad that I couldn't sleep, because I could see the light shining through the hall, that would mean they were still in the living room.

When I got to the living room, my mom gave me a strange look.

"Austin, what are you doing up? And why have you been crying? What's wrong?" She asked all at once. I never noticed that I had been crying.

"I can't sleep, I had a nightmare about Cody dying," I said.

"Awh honey come here," She replied and gave me a hug.

"Thanks mom."

"There's a couple of pancakes left in the kitchen if you want them," My dad suddenly said.

"What kind of question is that, of course I want them," I replied. My dad just laughed as I went into the kitchen to get my pancakes. As I lifted them off the counter, my phone buzzed, indicating that I had a text message. It was from Trish.

'You might want to read this Austin' It said, with a picture attached. It was a screenshot of the Cheetah Beat cover. When I read the header, I was truly shocked.


Hey sorry I haven't updated in a while, I didn't know what to do for ages but then yesterday I had an idea:) Oh and I hope you liked the kinda nightmare/flashback thingy. If you read this a/n then comment 'Dan and Phil are the best British youtubers ever'.

Bye for now:)

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